40. A Bacon Butty

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I blinked my eyes, looking around the darkness.

Where was I?

I could see I was in a bedroom, but not much else made sense.

I couldn't move and I wasn't sure why. I didn't mind though. I was very comfy....and warm.....and happy?

That was weird, because I'm sure I wasn't supposed to feel happy.

I needed more sleep.


It was light when I opened my eyes again.

My eyes briefly scanned around the room.

There was a small sofa next to the bed, but it was empty.

It wasn't my bedroom, but I was sure I had been in here before. Maybe I was at Worthington Manor, or Highfield Hall?

It was hard to concentrate when I just felt so warm and comfy.

It was like the bed was giving me a hug. Yes, that was what it felt like. It was an amazing bed. Maybe I could take it home. It even felt like it was breathing in time with me.

Wow, I could just sleep here forever.


I stretched as I rolled over.

I couldn't get comfy.

I opened my eyes and remembered that I wasn't at home. I was .....I looked around and saw Nathan's mate, curled up asleep on the sofa next to the bed.

I think this must be Highfield Hall.

I slowly sat up. I ached a bit, but everything seemed to be in working order.

What happened? I couldn't remember.

I remembered that we were at Blackwood Manor and the hunter's were attacking. And I remember waiting for my cue to go and start leading Kane to our meeting point. But I don't remember actually doing that.

But even though had no memory of it, I was almost sure it all worked out alright. It must have right?

I looked at the small clock on the wall and saw that it was 8am.

Something wasn't right. I couldn't put my finger on what it was, but I felt.....empty, like something was missing.

Maybe I was still grieving for Emily? That would make sense but I was almost sure that was not it.

I wanted someone. I wanted them badly. But who? Maybe I just needed to be around my family and with my pack. I had an overwhelming need to see my pups as well.

I noticed that my phone was placed on the bedside table so I picked it up and texted Jamie.

Can you come and pick me up? I'm at Highfield Hall.

The reply came back almost immediately.

Jamie: Sure, but where's Joe?

I frowned at his reply. Why would I know where Joe was? Maybe he was the person who brought me here?

I quickly tapped out my reply.

I don't know. What time will you get here?

Again the reply was instant.

Jamie: About 10 mins. I'm in a guest room just down the hall from you. I just need a quick shower.

I felt a sense of relief that Jamie was here. Maybe I'd feel better when I got home.

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