21. What's Your Secret

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I ran down the stairs taking two at a time.

It wasn't that I was in a rush, it was just that I felt like I had so much energy to burn.

I rounded the corner and nearly bumped straight into Emily.

"Woah there tiger!" she said, holding her arms up in anticipation of an impact.

I managed to holt just centimeters away from her hands.

"Oops, sorry," I said with a smile before stepping to the side to go around her.

"Hang on a second," she said, and I turned back to see a confused frown on her face.

I raised my eyebrows slightly waiting for her to continue.

She walked over and paced around me in a full circle, her eyes roving over me as if she was trying to work something out.

I just watched her in amusement.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" she said, stopping in front of me, her head tipped slightly to one side.

"The sun is shining, it's a beautiful day, why wouldn't I be in a good mood?" I replied, as I again stepped around her and headed into the kitchen to grab something to eat.

I could hear her following behind me, but I couldn't help but smile. So what if I was in a good mood?

"I don't understand," she said but I ignored that as I went and grabbed an apple from the dish of fruit on the side.

"You should be miserable," she said, once again moving in front of me to look me in the face.

I shrugged. "Is it so wrong that I can feel a little bit cheerful for one minute. It's not like anyone's died," I said, wishing this little interrogation was over.

"Yes, but it doesn't make sense."

"What doesn't make sense?" I snapped, my mood already starting to plummet down.

"Why you look like this," she said, waving her arms in my direction, "while Cole looks like shit."

"What?!" I said, my head snapping up at the mention of his name.

"It's true," she said, almost angrily, "while you're over here all cheery and happy, Cole looks like the walking dead."

I felt my stomach clench and my heart start to pound at the thought of Cole not being well.

Finally Emily smiled. "That's better! That's the sickly overly anxious look I was expecting."

I scowled as I looked over at her, suddenly not sure whether she was just saying these things to wind me up.

"Sorry," she said, having the decency to look guilty, even if she was still smiling, "but he did look really bad on Saturday. It looked like he hadn't slept in a week."

Saturday. That was the day before he texted me. I suppose it made sense then why he decided to text. He probably couldn't sleep with so many questions buzzing round his head. Afterall it wasn't every day that you found out there were such things as werewolves, and that one of them was your mate.

I felt myself calm down slightly, hoping that seen as Emily hadn't seen him since Saturday, he was doing better now I had answered his questions.

Yes, we'd been texting every night since Sunday. Every night at exactly 10pm he would text, usually with a fresh set of questions about werewolves or how the whole mate thing worked.

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