28. Promise Me

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A/N Just one chapter today because she deserves the spotlight, and a standing ovation.

I'll give you three chapters on Thursday to make up for it.


I'd chased the car to the end of the lane, before it pulled out onto the main road.

I couldn't risk being seen so I stopped in my tracks, panting hard.

I don't know why I'd chased it in the first place. Instinct I guess.

I'd seen that neither Emily or Cole were in there with them.

I started to run back to the building where we'd finally tracked the hunters to. I must thank Nathan later. He'd been right to ring that number. I still wasn't sure where he'd got the number from. He seemed to avoid the question when I asked him, but they were the ones who had tipped us off to this place.

I hoped everyone was alright.

I saw the building ahead of me and changed back into my human form as I saw several of the guys from our search party stood in a huddle near the front door.

I was about to smile when one of the group turned back to look at me, and I saw the expression on his face. It was a mixture of hurt and guilt.

I jogged over and quickly realised they were actually stood around something. I pushed my way through and gasped at the sight in front of me.

There lying on the floor, was Darren, one of my guards, clearly dead.

Before I even had time to react properly, Luke, another member of my pack was pulling me towards the door.

"Emily's inside. She's not in a good way. You need to go see her."

I blinked at him, wondering how things could have gone so wrong so quickly.

"Go!" he said, jolting me out of my thoughts, as I dashed inside.

"In here!" I heard a voice shout.

I ran down the corridor and through another door.

It was the smell that hit me first. Blood. And lots of it.

I felt my stomach knot up at the bloodbath in front of me. No one could lose this much blood and survive.

Within seconds though my mind had made sense of the scene in front of me, and I could see the mutilated parts of a human body, scattered around the room.

Emily was lying on the floor, relatively blood free, but clutching onto her stomach in pain.

"What's wrong?" I asked, scooting down onto the floor and quickly taking over from Jamie who had been supporting Emily's head.

I nodded to Jamie to go and get help and he shot away quickly.

Emily chuckled lightly which quickly turned into a grimace. "I think I have a problem," she said, nodding towards her stomach.

"You don't say!" I said back, trying to keep the mood light despite the situation.

Emily smiled, but then quickly grimaced as a spasm of pain rocketed through her body.

"Shhhh, it's ok," I said gently while calmly stroking her hair, "your body will start to heal shortly."

"No," she wheezed out, shaking her head. "It's too deep."

"It's fine. You'll be fine," I tried to reassure her, kissing the top of her head lightly.

"No Casper, you need to listen to me," she said, pausing again as her whole body tensed with the pain. "I'm struggling to hold on to my human form and there's something I need to tell you."

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