10. Embarrassing Love Lives

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"What's for tea Dad?" I asked, after my stomach had growled for like the fiftieth time.

"Oh, did I not say?" he replied, "Miranda's coming over with takeout. I told her to get you a Jalfrezi, is that ok?"

"Oh, great!" I said enthusiastically. Who doesn''t love a takeaway curry?

"Oh, and Miranda's son is also coming."

I frowned while trying to remember if I had ever heard of their being a son. Nope, I was pretty sure I hadn't heard him mentioned before.

"She has a son?" I asked.

"Yes, he lived with his dad, but please don't mention anything about it will you?"

"I'm not stupid!" I reminded my dad. It wasn't so much that I wasn't stupid, more that I would avoid any socially awkward conversations at all cost.

Even if he did live with his dad, I still found it odd that he had never come up in conversation before.

"How old is he?" I asked.

"Erm, about your age I think, or maybe a little older."

"Have you met him before?" I asked.

"Yes, briefly, he's going to be working on one of my teams. He's just completed his training, and I'm going to be inducting him into his new job next week."

"Oh," I said, taking in this information.

To be honest, I wasn't at all sure exactly what my dad did at work. Sure, I knew he was in the police, and he had worked his way up the ranks to a Chief Inspector, but after that he seemed to take on a different role. He stopped wearing a uniform for a start. Some days he went to work in a suit, other days in training gear, and some days he just worked from home.

Oh, and then there was the moving around.

He had told me several times what he did, but to be honest there were so many long words and acronyms, that I could never keep up, or I just got bored trying. I think the gist of it was that he was in charge of setting up new departments. That was why we moved around a lot. I guess once the new team was set up, his job was done.

The doorbell sounded before I could ask my dad anymore questions.

My dad answered it, and I leant forward in my chair, trying to catch a glimpse of this mysterious son.

Miranda stepped in first and my dad gave her a quick hug and kiss on the cheek, as he always did.

Miranda and my dad had been friends ever since we moved here, and I would go as far as to say they were close friends. But it never went further than that. I'm not sure why. Maybe my dad just knew that one day we would have to move again.

Suddenly a second person stepped into view, and I let out a small involuntary gasp.

It was him. The guy from the woods.

I quickly scanned my memory of our conversation and remembered him saying something about having never seen his mum before? That seemed even more odd now.

"Hey," I said, standing up and going over to greet him.

"Hey," he said back, a flash of surprise crossing his face before he gave me a wide grin. "I was hoping I'd bump into you again."

I smiled back, and hoped that I wasn't blushing too much.

He looked even hotter than when I saw him last. His hair was now cut very short, and he somehow looked healthier, and cleaner. Definitely cleaner.

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