Chapter Fourteen- What?

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Chapter Fourteen

Finn's POV

Jack and I went to breakfast at a cafe, to privately talk about what I was going to do to win Lauren over. We were both mischief makers. Being twins and all that. We were said to be flirtatious, innocent and good looking. But during these years on YouTube we have learned to become mischief makers. We learned how to be secretive about things and learnt how to do some cheeky things, but us being the innocent ones, no one realised that these little things were actually caused by Jack and myself.

I told Jack this morning that we needed to go somewhere else to chat about this. Meaning somewhere without these other YouTubers around.

We entered the cafe and ordered our breakfast then sat down on a free table. Soon the food arrived and we began to talk.

"What did you want to talk about your crush on Ms Lauren Chapman?" Jack laughed as he took a sip out of his hot chocolate.

I ate a bit of my eggs benedict, chewed it and swallowed. "I need your help, to make her mine."

Jack chuckled, "Why do you want to do that? Marcus and Lauren are perfect together. Hashtag Larcus."

I blushed, "I don't want to see her with Marcus. It makes me angry that Marcus and her are together. I am pretty sure I could be with her if I tried my hardest."

Jack laughed again, "You really do like her, don't you?"

I nodded.

"So how do you want me to help you?" He took a bite of his pancakes.

"I don't really know. What would you do in this situation?" I asked him. Asking for other people's opinions usually helped you.

"I'm not sure. You're the one who wants this to happen, so what are you thinking in that head of your's?"

I thought about it for a moment. "Try to spread the word and reveal to there viewers that they're in a relationship together."

Jack swallowed his mouthful and looked sternly at me. "That's too far Finn."

"What Jack?"

He put his knife and fork on his plate. "Listen. You don't want to be messing around with other people's relatinships like that. Especially YouTubers relationships. They might get hate and all that and we don't really want our other fellow YouTube friends to suffer that, do we?"

I sighed, "You asked me for my opinion. And that was what I was thinking." I looked at my twin brother. "Promise me that you'll help me Jack. You're my brother. You have to."

"I don't think that I actually want to help you at all." He took another sip of his hot chocolate.


He sighed. "Finn. You'll find your match soon. Don't force yourself in getting Lauren. She won't fall for you. She loves Marcus and he loves her."

"So you're saying that you won't help me?" I questioned. He was my brother, he couldn't possibly say that.

"Yeah. I am. I just don't want to be part of why they broke up, especially if it involves viewers."

I got out of my seat and walked out of the cafe.

"Finn! You haven't aten all of your breakfast yet!" I heard Jack call after me.

Pft. He only cared about the breakfast? Really? He didn't want to help me but as I thought about it even more I realised that I didn't need his help to get Lauren. I could do it by myself. I just needed my brain to work and a pen and piece of paper.

Maybe I could spread word on Tumblr or Twitter or something?

Or maybe just maybe I could take a picture of them kissing.

Or something along those lines would be perfect.

Jack's POV

Finn was so desperate for Lauren it pained me to say that I wouldn't help him. But I had to say no. Why would I help Finn get the girl of his dreams by spreading rumours and stuff about Marcus and Lauren being in a relationship. That would be so terrible for a friend to do that to another friend.

If Finn was that desperate for Lauren, then he would act fast and do something outrageous to get her. I decided to call Marcus, to tell him about it. I knew that he was my twin brother, but in this circumstance, it was hard to 'help' him with this. It was just cruel. So I rang Marcus.

"Hello? Jack?" spoke Marcus' voice on the other end of the phone.

"Hi Marcus! How are you?"

"I'm good! Are you still at the cafe? Lauren, Alfie, Zoe and I are going there soon if you want to meet up or something." I sensed that he was smiling.

"Um, I am still here, but I have to urgently tell you something.

Marcus' POV

Jack seemed quite frustrated and his voice was urgent as he spoke. "Sure. What's up bro?"

"Finn likes Lauren and he's trying to sabotage your relationship with Lauren so somehow and somewhat Lauren and him will be together after that."

Thoughts were running through my head. Finn? What? He was such an innocent looking boy. But that was the thing.. 'Looking.' I sighed. "What do you mean Jack?" I asked.

"He's trying to do something so that your viewers know that you and Lauren are together somehow." He replied.

"And how is that?"

"I don't know. So just be aware of this. Don't act lovey dovey between you and Lauren when he's there. He's up to something Marcus."

"Okay, sure, whatever. Do you want to talk more at the cafe? And can I tell Lauren?"

"At the cafe? Are you going to tell Alfie and Zoe? You can tell Lauren, but Alfie and Zoe?"

"Yeah, they're kind of my relationship guidance guru's." We talked until Zoe, Alfie and Lauren were ready to go to the cafe.

We all talked about it at the cafe as we ate our breakfast.

Things were going to become sticky and complicated between Finn and myself. We were going to confront him somehow. Jack had all the plans in his head.

Jack was quite smart. He immediately thought of a plan. No wonder they had really good videos.

"So it's all go tonight?" Alfie asked as he chuckled.

"I suppose so!" Jack replied.

We all walked back to Caspar's and Joe's apartment and of course, told Joey.

"Ooh, I can't wait til tonight." He smiled and laughed.

"Yeah neither can we." I laughed and smiled back to him.

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