Chapter Seventeen- Revenge

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Chapter Seventeen

Lauren's POV

Jack texted me and said that everything was okay and that he had found Finn. I was so grateful that he had. I admit, even though he revealed our relationship, I was getting pretty worried that we weren't going to find him.

"Do you have the flour, eggs, blue cheese and cat food?" Marcus asked laughing.

I nodded. I put them all on the kitchen table and spread out a couple of sheets of newspaper on the floor in the living room. 

"I can't wait to video this." Caspar grinned.

"I can't either! I can't wait to put this all over him." Joe grinned too. 

We all high fived each other. This was a perfect idea for revenge towards Finn for revealing Marcus and my relationship together.

I texted Jack that it was all ready.

Jack's POV

My phone vibrated and I checked it. Finn and myself were going back home in the cab. I woke Lauren, Marcus, Caspar, Zoe, Joe, Joey and Alfie for the video and revenge that we were yet to do to Finn. He didn't know of course.

Lauren: It's all ready! I can't wait :)

Jack: Me either Laur!! We're nearly there :)

"What's all ready?" Finn said, he was looking over my shoulder to see my phone. Oh shit.

"Um, food." I lied and then laughed nervously. 

Finn seemed to fall for it, "I can't wait for the food. I'm so hungry! What do you think that she cooked?" Finn asked smiling.

I laughed, "Um, I'm not too sure. We'll see when we get there." I replied, chuckling.

Finn was so gullable at times, especially when food was involved.

Marcus' POV

We were all wide awake, watching Fifa, waiting for Finn and Jack to return home.

Suddenly there was knock at the door and Caspar went over to open it. "Hi buddy!" Finn said.

"Hey Finn! Jack!" They hugged and they walked into the apartment.

"Wait Finn. I want to put this blindfold on you, it's for the..." Caspar stopped talking, wondering what to say next. Oh shit. That's the thing about not really organising surprises. Oops.

"Um the food Finn. I have to put one on too." Jack laughed, I heard his nervousness from another room. I wonder if Finn heard?

"Oh right." I saw Caspar put the blindfold on him and Caspar guided him into the living room.

"Where's Marcus and Lauren?" Finn asked. I stood up and turned the camera on and got a bag of flour. Lauren got some eggs and the others got what was left. Tomato sauce, cooking oil and water.

Caspar laughed, "Marcus is still asleep. And come over here Finn and Jack. Yes, a little to the right.."

"Why's there newspaper here?" Finn started to pull his blindfold off, but before he knew it, we started throwing the flour, eggs, tomato sauce and all the other things on him. 

"What the fuck is going on?!" He shouted and then took off the blindfold fully.

"Revenge is a bitch." Lauren said, she was on the floor, laughing hysterically.

I chuckled and all the others were laughing too, tears forming in my eyes because of how funny it was.

He started laughing too. "I'm sorry for revealing your relationship guys. I'm being serious here too." He went over to hug me. Oh no.

"Back off Finn! Don't get the stuff everywhere!" I shouted and laughed.

He laughed too, "Can I take a shower please?"

"Sure!" Joe laughed. 

I think Finn learnt his lesson. Just as I thought that, Tanya, Jim and Louise came out. 

'What the hell happened here?" Jim asked.

"Just revenge," I replied.

He laughed seeing Finn covered in flour and smelling like eggs.

"Wait!" Zoe put her hands up. "Finn! There's one more thing you have to do!"

Alfie got the cat food and blue cheese and handed it to Finn on a plate. "There yah go mate! Enjoy your lovely delicious midnight snack!" Alfie chuckled.

"Oh no!" Finn face palmed himself. 

I took a few photos of it happening. We were all in fits of laughter.

"Come on Finn!" Lauren said and took a piece of cat food and handed it to him.

He smelt it and cringed. "Revenge is definitely a bitch." He ate the cat food and blue cheese and then went to the bathroom to wash the taste out of his mouth. He took a shower and washed all the flour, eggs and all that off his clothes in the laundry room and came back in the living room drinking a glass of water and in a white t-shirt and he sat down on the dining table with his laptop.

"I know next time to not reveal other people's relationships." He smirked. 

We all went back to sleep in deep laughter and amusement of what had happened.

"I hope the neighbours didn't get woken up!" Joe said and then laughed.

We went to sleep at the sunrise and woke up at mid-day.

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