Her Prey

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Helena (POV)

Girlfriend he says. Though he has never mentioned a girl that he had liked, why didn't he?  Why couldn't he mentioned the fact he was romantically involve with someone else?

Why oh why do I even care?

Even if I had liked him, we could never be more then just friends.

Oh hell, I did liked him since we were children but he not once has ever shown me any interests.

And I know for a fact it wouldn't work between us. Why? Because there is something called responsibility and duty.  Sometimes I wish that I could be just like everybody else.

I had a responsibility to full fill and it doesn't include Edward well at least it doesn't, I don't think?

"Girlfriend." That word had rolled off my tongue in distastes.

The red head or Bridget only smiled smugly at me. "How nice..." I paused. I was going to ask him to have a celebratory dinner with me but I'm sure he has other plans.

"What is it?" He asked me so suddenly,

"It's nothing. Um...Enjoy your night." I smiled fakely hoping he wouldn't see through my lies.

That wasn't the case though, "Elena." He growled my name, he knew me all to well, "Tell me."

My gaze shifted to Leo asking for a silent help. He however chose now to be oblivious in my dilemma.

"I was going to ask you to have dinner with me, but I'm sure you would rather spend time here with your girlfriend." My words choked out like it was drowning in water.

"Actually you are right, Edward and I are going back to his room and celebrate there in private."

I could only imagine what she has planned.

"Very well, you two have fun." Once again my back was turned until I had felt a firm grip on my hand.

"Dinner." Edward had grinned causing me to smile at his new found reaction.

"But Edward what about us, we can..." She had suddenly whispered into his ears of which I couldn't hear then pressed a hand on his chest.

I witness Edward's eyes dilate and a hint of blush now forming on his cheeks. I can see where this is going. "It's okay Eddie, we can have dinner another time."

As if sensing my regret fullness Edward pushed the red head away, "Sorry Bridget but I'm having dinner with Elena here."

I don't know why, but I know I am literally jumping on the inside. "You are going to leave me for her." She whined and pointed a bad manicured finger at me.

Leo again was quick to react, and another growl was echoed in the night. "Bridget, I will see you later."

Edward had taken my hand and soon pulled me away from the frustrated red head. This has always been like this since we were little. He would drop every thing for me and I couldn't help but feel blessed to have a friend like him.

"You know, your um...girlfriend seemed rather angry.  We could always have dinner some other time?"  I had cursed myself with the inability to be selfish just this once.  But the look on the red head's face says it all.  Besides I didn't want to be the reason they get into an argument.  It's not in my nature to cause problems.  It's the way I was brought up I guess.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?  I haven't see you in ages and already you are sick of me." He continue to link my arms as we walked away from the angry red head, "Besides I'll make it up to her later." 

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