Davin Pentacosta

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Helena (POV)

Davin! Davin Pentacosta!  That sniveling weasel. My brother.  How could he even think that? He must be out of his mind.  They all are.

"Grandfather, Davin Pentacosta!  Have you forgotten that he is my brother?"

"Correction step brother."  The man himself rose from his seat reminding me of our true relationship.  So he isn't brother by blood, none the less he is still my brother.

"Davin is right.  You both are not blood related so I do not see why he is not fit to be your husband."  Again my so called grandfather countered.

"Father."  Fredrick took his place by my side, "He is my step son, your step-grandson and Helena's step brother.  Even if he is not blood he is by marriage."  I felt my father grip my arm trying not to apply pressure leaving a bruise.

The anger on grandfather's face was apparent.

"I will not marry someone of low caliber."  I defended while Sariah had growled.  "Why would I take him for a husband when he is beneath me.  My husband must be my equal, somewhat who can match me in every way possible.  Aside from politics of which my husband of my choosing, he must know all military tactics."  It's true.  Davin is a spoiled, flirty, rich kid who has no idea on how to run a country let alone plan a military strategy.  How the hell will he protect this country let alone do what's best for it.  I was taught since my mother's passing.  "Unless he can surpass me in all aspect he will not be considered my equal."

I was getting somewhere, hopefully.  These men know how these works.  The room had gotten quiet which is either a good thing or a bad thing.

"And even so, that is where you come in grand daughter.  It's true, Davin may not know his way around politics and such but you will be there and in the end he will be deciding the fate of this country."

Oh my god.  Can this old man be serious?  Now I know this man is suffering from dementia.  Reminding myself to have a doctor look at him.

"Why don't we take a vote."  Monalisa yelled earning a small commotion from the enter male population in this room.  "I state that my son here Davin Pentacosta will wed Princess Helena Albert, who here will second that motion."

I dared not to look around.  Unfortunately curiosity got the better of me.  And it doesn't look good.

"I second that."  A man in his late 40's stood up.  The same man who had first greeted me upon entering the Prime Minister.

Soon there were nods agreeing said motion.

"What do you say son?"  Grandfather asked my father.

Now I know my father.  And this time Monalisa has got us, well me right where she wants it.  My father cannot go against a unanimous votes as hands starts to raise in my demise.  Well that's what grandfather is doing.  He is sending me down a road that I do not want to be a part of. 

"Very well."  And there it goes.  My heart sank. I heard my father's voice quivering.

"That's great, we will prepare for a royal wedding."  Loud cheers were heard as Monalisa announced.

Then silence abruptly took place as my father held up his hand, "My daughter shall marry on the twenty first of her birthday."

"But that's in 5 years."  I smirked at Davin's response.  Relief had engulf my heart.  I had five years to get out of this mess.  My father had given me five years. 

"Davin, you are aware my daughter is not yet of age and as much as this is needed, I would like her to enjoy her youth."

"Are you stalling my dear husband."  Monalisa's eyes glared, "What's the difference between now and five years later?"

Can I just say bitch.  Not in my language but I have heard the cuss words.  Though I would never say that aloud but I want to scream it.

"She will still enjoy her youth, until you step down and pass the crown to Davin once he is to wed the Princess."  I could hear the smug in her voice thinking she has won.

The room once again were agreeing with Monalisa.

"I am King.  You all ready had taken my daughter into choosing her husband for her."  I watch Fredrick take the stand.  "All of you have daughters do you not? Put your daughter in the princess place.  We are taking her freedom and you want to take away her youth."  I watch him stand in front of the men who want's to throw me to the sharks.  "If I decided who your daughter's shall marry what shall you say?"

"The king is right."  A woman stood up.  She was the wife of Duke Harold another man who also agreed to this none sense.

Soon the women who sat next to their husbands, who remained quiet were no longer quiet in their seats.  "I think to say it is only fair for Princess Helena to wait till she is of age."

"You can't be serious."  Monalisa butted in.

"Monalisa sit down."  My father ordered, "You have no say in this matter.  You have no power of what you say."  My lips had smirked as I watch her turn red from humiliation.  What the hell was she doing here in the first place?

I don't know how the hell she got half the room to agree on this insane proposition but I will put an end to this well maybe not now but later once I find a way out.

"As you have all heard.  A wedding will take place in five years time.  You are all dismiss."

One by one I watch the officers and royal family here leave the room including my grandfather who was wheeled out by George.  Some were pleased at the out come and others enrage for what ever reason I don't care.

Monalisa and her two kids stood in front of us smiling as if they have won.

"Well dear wife, you should be glad to be marrying me."  Davin tried to put an arm around me that is until Sariah block his way.

"Davin," I shook my head, "You my dear boy are dellusional if you think you will be the next King."

"How dare you."  Maria pointed her finger, "You should be lucky to have my brother as your husband."

"Fredrick!" As I was about to reply Monalisa's voice cut through my ears like a knife slowly gutting a pig.  "How could you embarrass me like that?"

"Mona, you have no right in who says marry my daughter least of all your son.  Now I agreed until I find a way out of this mess that you have created for my daughter."

"You, will marry my son.  And he will be King I can assure you that."  She just had to have the last word as her and her kids skimped out of the room.

Did she just threaten me?

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