Unwanted Emotions

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Helena (POV)

Plopping myself in the chair of my father's office didn't bring my comfort that I had sought for.

Purring, Sariah placed her head on my lap as I had patted her head.  She is my only comfort other than Leo who now stood by my side.

Though we had spoken no word he gave me the space that I needed.

Thankfully Greta had called him in the midst of all this choatic place.

I am still waiting on the results of the investigation on who so poisoned the king.  The waiting part is the most hardest because time seemed to move slower.  When only a couple minutes past seemed like hours.

Suddenly a loud bang had sounded as my father's office door slammed opened revealing a disheaveled Edward.

My eyes scanning him from head to toe as he was now breathing irratically.

He looked like he just got out of bed with his bed hair, his clothes all wrinkled and only the two top bottom was undone.

His belt was not even clasps and he only had one shoe on.

"Edward."  I gasps rising from my chair as he ran to me embracing me. 

"Are you okay?  You're not hurt in any way are you?" His voice laced with worry.

Sniffing him, he smelt of something sweet even from his messy attire.  What has he been doing?  I had wondered.

"I came here as fast as I could once I heard the news."  He pants, his eyes scanning my entire body, flipping me around as he also scans my back side. If it were any other day I would've gush at his concern.

However that's the least of my worries after all I'm not the one who was targeted.

My thoughts were soon replace by fury.

Slowly pushing him away I wanted to yell at him, scold him for not being there.  Maybe if he was there then this wouldn't have happened.

"Where were you?"  Instead I had asked calmly.  No point in getting angry.  I already have a lot on my plate.

"I was...uh..busy."  He was busy?  What can he possibly be doing that required his attention elsewhere.

"Ehem."  Leo cleared his throat letting us know he is still present in this room.  "I have entrusted you with the Princess well being and you have disappointed me." I have never seen Leo with so much anger.

"Leo calm down." I place a hand on his shoulder.

Gazing back at Edward, my sight caught on to a small red stain on his collar to which he himself had ruffled his hair trying to fix it with his fingers.

"Busy, doing what?"  My eyes never leaving that small red stain.  I could only guess what he has been up to.

"Umm...so how's the King?"  He changed the subject.  I too wanted to change the subject but this only angered me more.

Is he not serious about doing his job?  Would he rather be doing something else?

"Edward, if you don't wish to have this job you so ask for than I am reliving you of your duty."

This had shocked Edward, "What?  You can't be serious.  I missed one dinner and what happened to your father was hardly my fault."  He glanced at Leo then back to me.  "No wait sorry, I didn't mean it like that."  He apologized quickly once the words had left his mouth.

It's true.  No one can prevent what had happened tonight.  Still why do I want him to be the first one there with me.

"Edward clearly you were doing something else important.  When I needed you, where were you?"  Now the more I speak the more my words are becoming that of a jealous girl, "If you wish to date than I have no qualms about that however you have a job and a duty to do which comes first.  If you cannot perform your tasks then I suggest you step down."  As cold as I sound I had to put him in his place.  Is it wrong of me to want to always keep him by my side?

Taken back Edward step backward, his face giving nothing away.  What is he thinking?

"Elena," He had pulled on my arm pulling me close to him.  I was once again flush with his body.  The sweet smell surrounding me and that fact that just possibly moments ago he was in the arms of another woman. 

He has the nerve to touch me, who knows where his hands his been.  Pushing him away again, "Do not touch me."  I didn't mean to sound so harsh it just came out.

"I think you should leave."  Leo stood between us two as Edward seemed to be restraining himself.

Without another word Edward turned his back towards me heading for the door as with one last unspoken words, "Next time you come into my presence Edward make sure you look decent enough rather than someone who just bedded someone moments ago." I was brutal in my words but honest.

At my words he froze, "Elena I could explain."

Good thing the door is close because he didn't use formalities and who knows who could be listening.

Shaking my head, my shoulders slump, "Doesn't matter Edward, go shower and I will see you in the morning."

Edwdard (POV)

Fuck!  How could I have let this happened. 

I should've been there for her tonight.  Guilt only consumed me once I had left that office.

What if something else had happened, what if she was the one hurt instead. I couldn't live with myself if something were to happen to her.

And on top of that she knew what I was up to and the look on her face says it otherwise.  Not once has she made contact with my eyes.  It's like she couldn't even bare to look at me.

Staring at myself in the mirror I only gasps in horror.  No wonder she couldn't look at me properly.  I had looked like I had gotten into a fight with Sariah among other things.  But what shock me more was that red lipstick stain she kept on glancing.

Fuck! I should've had taken a shower first, at least wear something that was ironed and clean or better yet never let Bridget seduce me.  

But it's not like we did anything because we didn't.

Sure I was in the middle of my peak but after the fourth time Leo had called,

Answering the call, "Leo."

"Sir, where are you?" He asked with urgency.

"Um..uh..." What the hell did he just ask? I could feel myself building to reach my climax, my mind complete fogged up.

"Sir, it's the Princess something happened?"

What! My dick now becoming limp as I had pushed a very shock Bridget out of the way.

Hanging up the phone the woman yelled, "What the fuck Edward." She was now naked crouching on the floor.

Rushing to put my clothes on, "Where the hell are you going?"

"This was a mistake Bridget and because of you..." Could I blame her. After all it was my decision to come here.

"Edward! Don't leave me here like this!" She yelled before I left her with a mixed of unwanted emotions.

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