Time Will Tell

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Helena (POV)

"What?" Edward pulled back ending our small sweet kiss.

Immediately loosing its warmth.

When I remained silently he asked again, "What do you mean send me back?"

Though he was questioning me, I have a sense he knew what I was referring too.

"Come Eddie sit with me."

"Tell me now." He growled, his eyes boring into mine.

"Will you not sit with me Eddie?" I smiled. I didn't want to have to fight with him. I don't want to have to order him something he might not be too keen on.

"No, you will tell me now." He raised his voice towards me.

Sensing my distress I watch Leo walking towards us until I had silently gave him a silent command to stay back.

The rage coming of Edward was suffocating and I do not wish for Edward to cause a scene.

"Have you ever wish to go home?" I whispered.

"What kind of question is that? This is my home, you are my home."

As sweet as that sound I didn't have it in me to smile.

"Edward, Prince Edward Phillip."  I whispered silently.


"That is your full name. The son to King Charles Phillip and Queen Penelope Phillip."

After hearing what I just said, he just stared at me like I was making some joke. "Are you joking?"

I wish I could say I was. I wish I could say April fools. Sadly I can't.

"Is this why you wanted to spend time with me because it was your way of saying good bye." He snapped running his fingers through his silky hair, "Are you that angry with me with what happened days ago. I said I was sorry. Please if this is a joke, this is not funny. I don't care what my name is I will never leave you."

I could see his eyes almost tearing up. And this coming from a guy who I rarely see cry.


"No, it's Eddie..."

"We had came to an agreement the Phillip's and I?"

"So? I don't fucking care. Did you even ask me? Did you even agree before you knew who I was or after."

"After." I sighed.

Edward soon gripped my shoulders. I could feel his palm leaving marks, "Fuck, and you are just sending me away just like that." His voice now attracting unwanted attention.

"Calm down Edward, people are staring please."  Thank goodness the music was loud enough to drown our conversation.

"Calm down, you are sending me away for the second time like I am a thing to be shipped back and fourth. Have you ever thought of how I feel? I love you Elena. Please tell me you love me and I will stay here with you, be with you."

I have never seen Edward so full of rage before and the fact that he loves me had me jumping for joy. Unfortunately, we come from two different world. I am engage and he too is also engage. Maybe we can never be together after all fate has a funny way of pushing us together then pulling us further apart.

No more tears I had shed, I stared cold hard at him, the turmoil in his eyes swirling around. He had to go back. He can't stay here. I have to do this for my people, for his people and for him. Especially him.

Though I dislike his parents I am sure his parents have been searching for him. I can't imagine not being with my child if I were a parent myself.

"Edward...you know I lost my mother..."

"Just answer the fucking question Elena!" He doesn't understand, maybe he never will. His mother is still alive whereas my mother is dead. I think he should know his mother, maybe if the Phillip's will see how their son has grown into a wonderful man, their intake on life would differ.

"No, I don't love you." I coldly answered. It literally shattered my heart when I spoke those words.

And what broke me ever more was the look on Edward's face when he no longer looked at me with love in his eyes rather hatred for a girl, his best friend.

Turning himself around I watch him storm out of the club angry as hell, my feet rooted to the ground. I wanted to run after him, let him know it's not forever but why couldn't I?

Instead I stood there, my words replaying over and over in my head, the look on his face burning into my mind, my tears coming out in volumes.

Instantly Leo was at my side as I had threw my arms around him. Soon I felt his arms wrapped around me comforting me.

"Shh...It's okay little lady." He said softly.

At that moment I wanted to shout, scream, the universe must hate me.

Fate is funny. The one person who I grew fond of, the one person who I always want by my side is none other than an enemy of the opposing royal family.

Even if we decided to be together, grandfather wouldn't allow it. He'd rather have my head along Edwards if it comes down to it.

Side by side Leo was walking with me along the park leaving that nosy club. The wind blew always my tears as the swings that had creaked back and forth seemed to be calling me.

Sitting on the swing, Leo gently pushed my back and forth, much like when he did when I was a child.

Him and Edward. I could only imagine what he is thinking right now. 'He probably hates me.'

"My lady, he does not hate you." Leo replied. Did I say that out loud?

"Of course he does. I was harsh and cold."

Taking a seat on the next swing we both rock ourselves, "If anything he loves you."

"He can't. We come from two different worlds. What if he becomes like his parents?" That was one of my biggest fear. His parents are nothing but cruel and callous.

"None sense, Edward grew up with you. He was raise by King Fredrick himself." He comforted.

A part of me wants to believe what he is saying is true but the other half of me believes this won't end in a happily ever after. This is not some damn faerie tale.

More tears flowed down, soon my vision blurred, "Leo, I'm going to loose him." I cried through out the night. No one would hear me cry in a empty park aside from Leo.

Throwing his arm around my shoulders he pulled me closer patting my back, though he spoke no word I felt him soothe me down.

The more he soothe the more I wailed. How unattractive for a princess. I could feel my eyes puffing out, my nose running, and my cheeks red.

"Leo, maybe I should've left it. Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to them."

Sighing Leo spoke, "Elena, what you did is what anyone would've done."

"Really." I pondered that thought. "It makes me wonder though if I did the right thing Leo. If so why does it hurts so much."

"Where does it hurt?" Is he that oblivious.

Lightly beating on my chest, "Here Leo, my heart. I didn't tell him. I should've tell him. I should've responded, that..." My chest now heaving up and down, "I love him."

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