My Princess

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Edward (POV) 13 years old

"Elena, wake up." I whispered in her ear only to be met with a groan.

For a little lady whose suppose to be up before breakfast she is a heavy sleeper.

"Elena."  This time I had tickled her tummy earning a small giggle and a tiny purr from Sariah.  She had slept next to Elena in her bed.

"Eddie?"  She yawned while rubbing her eyes.  "What time is it?"

"Time for you to get up, Leo has been trying to get you up for the pass hour."

Bouncing up from bed, she had rush towards her bathroom followed by Sariah where I waited until she was fit for greeting the new day.

"So Eddie are your things pack?" She smiled.

Though it should've brought a smile on my lips it didn't. Instead I couldn't help but frown.  "What's wrong?"

"I don't want to go.  I don't want to leave you."  I sat on her bed.

"Eddie we spoke about this.  Besides we have the telephone, letters, we can email and chat every day until you're comfortable being on your own."

The thought of me not being around her frightens me.  What if she forgets me? Or worse, what if she leaves me.

"Eddie I won't leave you.  If I wanted to leave you, I wouldn't have brought you here many moons ago."

It has only been about a couple of years since she has found me on that fateful day and I owe her a great deal, now she is shipping me off. 

"Eddie."  She patted my back, "Look at it this way, you will go, this is one of the best school ever."

"I know, why can't I go to school here."  I looked hopeful, I was hopeful but it soon died down when she had click her tongue.

"I want what's best for you.  You will go, make new friends, we will chat.  I got everything covered.  Father has everything covered."

King Fredrick was good to me.  Her dad, he even takes me out fishing.  I don't know if I can repay his kindness but I will one day.

"Fine."  I sighed in defeat, "Just promise me one thing."

"Okay, anything what is it?"

"Promise that you will chat with me every day and I can always come back to you."

I watch her hold up her pinky, "Promise and you have to promise me that we will always be friends."

Taking my pinky, I looped it with hers, "Promise."

"My Lady."  Leo had bursts into her room without knocking.  "The car is ready.  Master Edward shall we go?"

"Come on Eddie.  Think of this of a new adventure."  Taking my hand she pulled me. 


"You highness."  I bowed as King Fredrick approach us.

"What did I tell you about formalities young man."

"I'm sorry uncle." Trying to smile but failed.  I'm still upset that I have to go away. At first I was excited. The thought of traveling to a different country sounded adventurous but as the days got closer to me leaving the more afraid I was.

Crouching down to my height, King Fredrick stared, "I know you are sad and scared that you have to go but this is for your future.  My daughter cares a great deal about you and so do I.  Go to school, grow up and be a man so when you return I know my daughter will be in good hands."  Standing back up with his back towards us, "But don't grow up too fast.  Enjoy your youth."  He chuckled before leaving, "Oh and have a safe flight."

After listening to him speak I felt a little better.  I will be a better man.  Looking towards my left, Elena stood tall.  My gaze lowering itself.  She was quite tiny, I mused to myself.

"Let's go Eddie."  For a minute I maybe heard her voice trembling but then again I could be wrong.

Riding in the car with Leo driving, Sariah on my lap, and George a guard who is to escort me all the way to London sitting across from us, Elena and I spoke.  We would tell stories and jokes.

Throughout these couple of years we had grown to be best of friends.  It was a miracle considering what she was.  Not once however has she used such power to get what she wants.  I watch television and read books and I thought princess were spoiled.

Imagine to my surprise Helena was nothing like how princess are portrayed.

Arriving at the air port just in the nick of time when my flight was called.  "Master Edward."  George took my luggage.

"Well this is it."  I turned to face Helena whose face seemed stressed, "Elena."  I shook her gently.

That's when all her tears had splurge like dam that had broken and all the water came rushing out.


"Yes Eddie."  Her breathing hitched as she was now sniffling.

"Don't cry."

"Who says I'm crying."  Again she sniffed.  "I..I..." Suddenly she threw her arms around me, "I don't want you to go."  She cried, "I change my mind."

"My lady, we had planned this."  Leo intervene.

"No!" She screamed.  "Please Eddie.  You're going to forget me.  I know it.  You wont even talk to me because you will be too busy with your other friends."

Bending down to her height, "As much as I don't want to go, it's for the best."

"But didn't you say earlier you didn't want to go?"

"I did.  But now I want to go so I can grow up and be a man just to take care of you."

"Me?  But I thought you want to be some kind of lawyer."

"I do."  I answered.

"Well then please don't let me get in the way of that okay."  She stifled a smile.  "I just don't want you to forget me."

"I could never forget you.  I will come back." I gently kissed her forehead.

"And if you don't come back, I will seek Sariah on you and have her drag you back here."

I cringe at the thought of Sariah actually dragging me back here with me in her mouth like she does when she is holding cubs.

The attendants made one last final call through the intercom.  "Master Edward, we best be going."

"I have to go but you be a good little girl.  The years will pass and you will have grown into a beautiful young lady."  Kissing her again on the cheeks, her face brightens up.

"I love you Eddie."  She spoke.  I know it may not mean anything yet, but to me it meant the world. 

"And I love you my princess."  I whispered in her ear.

Following George I took one glance back at her trying myself to also not cry, "George take care of him and Eddie have a safe flight."  She waved as I too waved.

I may have stayed there longer just taking in her features.  I wanted this to last me throughout my years.  It has to last me because I don't know if I can make it without her by my side.

And with that I had gotten on the plane, my thoughts filled of the little princess.

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