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Helena (POV)

Leading Edward towards the East Wing I had opened the door and followed him inside.

"So this is where I will be staying."

"Yes." A growl was heard when I had opened the windows and smiled.

She had trotted her way in, stretching on all four paws as she had purred in delight.

"Sariah." I gently patted her beautiful white with black stripes coat. She was truly exquisite.

"Sariah." Her ears had perked up to the sound of Edwards voice. Lowering her head, her tail hanging low, she growled gazing at Edward before jumping up from her hind legs and just standing until she was just as tall as Edward.

Her body leaning against his, "Woah, Sariah you have grown." Her tail now wagging.

She was big and gorgeous. "Sariah, heel." Jumping off she encircled herself before laying herself down. She must be tired. After all that plane ride had exhausted her. I let her rest for now, "Good girl Sariah."

"So Cinderella are you going to explain about the evil step mother and step siblings." He laughed while plopping himself on the king size mattress.

I knew he was going to ask. Where do I begin.

"After you had left for school, my grandfather thought my father needed another woman. After all my father never got over the death of my mother. And for years my grandfather had persuaded my father to marry Monalisa. She is the daughter of a duke and my grandfather's close friend."

Edward just listened to me.

"When finally my father gave in and agreed on one condition."

"Condition? Where there would be no title higher than yourself."

I nodded my head. Edward was right. My father wanted to ensure the crown to me. It was my birth right.

Still it didn't stop them from trying to find a loop hole and I will be damn if I ever hand over my crown.

"Have they met Helena, I mean you in your state now?"

"No," I shook my head, "They have met Helena but at the time I was wearing heavy makeup to conceal my true identity. Father thought it be wise to hide it from them. Only a few knew." It was true.  All 186 of my staff new.  They were with me before and after my mother's passing.

Even if my father was married he wanted to make sure I was kept out of public's eyes. He wasn't convince that my mother had died due to illness but we had no proof.

Standing up, he pulled me up along with me, "You must be tired, I think you should retire for the night. I'll have one of the staff bring you your dinner."

Just as I was about to turn and leave, I felt a strong grip on my hand, "Will you be joining me?" Even if I didn't look back, I knew he was enjoying how flustered he could make me feel.

"As you wish. For now, you go ahead and shower. I will see you later." Leaving his room I could feel my cheeks flush and my heart beating against my chest until I had come across a stotic Leo just standing between our doors.

"My Lady." He bowed towards me but not before checking his surroundings.

"Leo, as you probably heard that Edward had choose to be a part of the palace guard."

"I have heard." He nodded his head.

"Well I will have Edward assigned to you and I expect for you to show him how things work around here."

"It would be an honor to show him how you should be taken care off."

Though he may not have smirked, I felt his words meant something else.

"Oh and Leo, do not go easy on him." Just because he is my friend, I can't play favorites.

As I had entered my quarters, I opened the window so that Sariah could hop in anytime without being seen. It was best, she was my eyes and ears when there are things that even I could not see.

After my shower I had dressed is a casual attire before heading out.

I stood there in shock. Frozen in place as I had witness Maria exiting Edward's room. What was she doing in there and half naked no less.

There are a lot of things that can be done in 20 minutes.

I will not let these unpleasant thoughts invade my mind.

Entering his room, it was quiet when I had notice our dinner nicely set up though it was already open, why. Usually dinner would be covered until it was time to open.

Glancing up, Edward came out of the bathroom half naked as well with only a towel to cover his bottom half. His hair was dripping wet as well as his body. He was like a walking male testosterone in all his glory. His body predefined and hard core to the max.

Makes me wonder if Maria had seen him like this or if they had done anything else other than be in each other's presence.

I hadn't relize I had stared too long when I heard his deep husky voice bringing my out of my state of shock, "Helena, you haven't blinked since I came out of the bathroom."

Turning my cheek I made sure he didn't catch the blush that was now forming. Or the sound of my heart that was going increasinly fast.

"Um...did anything happen within the last 20 minutes I was gone?" I didn't know why I had to ask. Maybe I wanted confirmation that with Maria being here nothing had happen.

"Nope." He said popping the P.

He lied? Why would he? Or why wouldn't he? It's none of my business what he does with her right. I mean if he wants to start a relationship with Maria who am I to stop him.

No matter how I feel, no matter what I feel I can't go anything more than just friendship. Even if I want to claim him as mine, I can't. He isn't mine. He will never be mine. And this is what hurts me the most.

Because even if I want to shout, scream it won't change the fact that Edward and I can never be together. So if he decides to be with Maria then I will support him.

Just as long as he stays by my side. As long as I can keep him by my side I will be happy.

Pulling out my chair I quickly sat down as he had sat across from me.

"Did you open the food when I wasn't here?"

"Uh...y...eah. I just wanted to know what we were having." He stuttered.

Again I felt my heart crumble.

As long as he's happy, as long as he's happy. I kept chanting to myself.

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