My Cub

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Sariah (Thoughts)

'Don't loose sight of her.  My person, my lady.'  My paws ran from building to building, rubble to rubble as I seen my cub running through the puddle.

'Yes my cub.  I considered her as my own cub.  She is mine.  She has taken care of me when I was  a cub myself now I must return the favor.'

'Another man I spot wearing a funny looking head piece, a hat.  Surely not one of ours, our men wear helmets.' Before he get's a chance to  hold up his long stick that makes loud noise which I think is called a gun I attack detaching his head from his body. I could feel his red liquid oozing out of my jaw. 'I don't care how many I have to kill, no one will harm my cub.'

A yelp I heard calling for help.  I growled when I turned, one of my cub's men surrounded by a group of men.

My paws hesitating as I turn the opposite way of my cub.  She was just up ahead, I could sense her, but her men is in need of my help.

'I know what my cub would do in a situation like this.' Without thinking I ran towards the man with a helmet and bared my fangs towards the group of men as I had clawed their faces. I was too fast that they didn't see me coming, had to be swift and cunning. They screamed as my fangs pierce their skins and chewed their flesh.  I didn't care if they had called me a monster.  I will protect my cub and her men.

As I watch the last men fall with a thud the one with the helmet was about to thank me but instead I jumped with my hind legs running towards my cub.  She was far off and I could no longer hear her or see her.  'Where is she?' The rain and debris had restricted my movements to move cunningly.

My ears perked up listening for any signs of movement.  Unfortunately the rain isn't helping.

Until I heard a shot fire and I headed into that directions.  My paws not stopping.  I didn't care I was wet, I hated water, but right now I could care less.

Stopping in my tracks there was a whole bunch of men in that same funny looking hat surrounding something as I had witness one of them manhandle my cub in his arms.

I growled.  'I could take them but there is too many of them.'

I waited and watch each men enter one of those big things with big round rocks rolling away that I've known as a car. It is much bigger than other normal cars I'm use to and it looks powerful but not as powerful as me. How could any one ride those things is beyond me. I like to run on all fours feeling the wind in my face. It's sad that these men only walk on two, they can't experience it like I can.

Standing on all fours I silently ran and followed.  I had to be careful because if I loose sight of them I will never see my cub again.

With my jaw tighten I ran as the big cars kept driving away.  I kept hidden in the shadows until we came across a big hut.

It wasn't grand like my cub's hut but it was a hut.

Slowly creeping up and crawling on my belly, I hid underneath one of their big cars and watch.  My fur was now standing on its ends feeling each one prickle my skin. My ears now listening to where they are taking my cub.

I wanted to growl and tear them to shreds.  If they dare hurt her I'll make sure I will disembowel each one of them.

Voices was heard followed by a loud banging sound.

Getting out from underneath, a long metal fence was blocking my path.

Jumping from the big cars I was able to jump over the big metal fence once there was no men in sight.

I paced back and fourth, my tail hanging low, my head bearing it's fangs as my eyes grew wide within the night.

I was trying to assess my surroundings, finding a way in and a way out.

Watching the door knob jingle I stood in front of it and shook.

A man came out from the door and just before he could scream I pounced tearing out his throat.

His body fell holding the door open.  Now I couldn't leave him here to be found.  Glancing a round I found a good size rock, using my jaw I placed it in front of the door to hold it open while I had drag the man with my jaw towards a shadowy part.  Hopefully no one will find him here.

Entering the hut I removed the rock and watch the door closed.

My paws now lightly making its way thru as more voices were heard.  I didn't  know what they were saying and frankly I don't care.  All I care is where is my cub?

The smell here was not doing so well against my nose.  Whatever it was, it was the most horrendous stench I ever smelt.  The ground also felt rough against my paws.

Sniffing the ground I focus on only one smell, my cub.  As I recall she smells like chocolates that these humans eat.  Once I had picked up her scent I followed it trying to also pay attention to any unwanted men.

Finally her scent leading me downstairs into a room.  Good thing there was no door but there was a man watching on those boxes with moving tiny little men.

Luckily he didn't notice me, once again on my belly I crawled until I had attack.  He didn't even have the chance to scream.

Looking around I found a room with long metal poles blocking my path and my cub laying on the floor.

'Is she dead? She can't be?' I can sense her heart beat and her eyes flickering.

Silently growling with a short whimper, I straighten one of my legs hopefully to touch her but she was too far.

I growled again and watch her move.  'There is my cub.'  I kept on growling softly.

Then her eyes had fluttered open.  "Sariah." Her voice sounded strained.  She sat up and I watch that red liquid that these men have in their body leak from her forehead.  'Who dared do that?'

"What happen?"  She looked around, her eyes grew wide.  "Oh these men.  Sariah."  She looked at me.

"I need a key to get out of here."  Kneeling up her fingers had gave me  a pat on my head through these poles.  "Good girl but now we need a key?"

I cocked my head to the side, 'What did she want now?'

Her fingers now tracing over a tiny hole that was on the poles.

Raising my head and using my snout I sniff that tiny hole then sniffing around till I find that exact same smell.

Looking around, I had went towards the guard, it's here, on his hands too. Dragging his headless body towards her, if anything, what ever she wants must be on this man here, right.

My cub flinch at the man before me.  Watching her she reach down she took out more tiny metal things that was hanging on the man as I watch her stick those things in the hole one by one.  There was a lot.

Finally I heard a click and the room had open.  I was happy, that I had pounce on her licking her face.  My cub.  I licked that red liquid stuff of her face.  She didn't match with it on and I didn't like it on her one bit.  She laughed and giggled.  I love her laughter, it was the very first thing I heard when I first met her.  She was my cub, she is my cub and will always be my cub.

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