How Far the World Will Bend - Chapter 9

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Chapter 9. Shaking

As they walked home from the Thorntons' dinner, Meg found herself enjoying the cool air and the clear skies overhead. It was a wonderful change from the stifling, crowded rooms at Marlborough Mills, and she nearly danced down the street in her gratitude to be away, at last, from the glitter and confinement of the evening.

Her mind wandered back to Mr. Thornton and the pleasure he had taken in her playing. She had recognized before now that he was a good man, albeit a bit stern and aloof, and much too focused on business rather than people. However, tonight she had felt a tug of attraction for him that frightened her. She was not here to indulge in romance; she had a task to do, and once that task was completed successfully, she had every intention of returning to her former life, if she could find the way back.

As they entered the street where they lived, Meg saw their front door open and close, and a figure descend the steps. The man turned his face to the gaslight, and Meg recognized Doctor Donaldson. Without thinking, she rushed forward, her arm outstretched to detain him. "Doctor," she called in a sharp voice. "What are you doing here this late in the evening?"

Doctor Donaldson gave her a grave look. "Your mother is not well, Meg," he said in a low voice. "She has had a spell tonight." At the look of terror on her face, he quickly continued, "She is resting comfortably now, but I cannot tell for how long." His gaze encompassed Mr. Hale and Mr. Bell as he explained, "Mr. Hale, your wife has had several spasms tonight. These spasms wracked her body and caused enough physical distress that I had to dose her with laudanum. She is sleeping peacefully now."

"Meg?" Mr. Hale exclaimed in a frightened voice, as if he did not understand what the doctor was saying.

Meg placed an arm about her father's waist to support him, and he sagged against her. "Come inside with me, Father." Gazing up at the doctor, she added, "Thank you, Doctor Donaldson. I will be at your office the day after tomorrow, unless I am needed at home." She spoke softly, not wishing to alarm her father any further by saying she would fetch the doctor if her mother's condition worsened.

"Miss Hale, a word," Doctor Donaldson urged, and Meg relegated care of her father to Mr. Bell, who helped Mr. Hale into the house. Once the front door closed, Doctor Donaldson looked directly at her and said bluntly, "I do not know how much time your mother has left, Meg."

At Meg's shocked expression, he continued, "It could be months or it might be weeks. She cannot sustain attacks such as these much longer." He hesitated and seemed to struggle before he continued, "Tonight, she mentioned a son she has not seen in years. She related to me that she longs to see him again. I mention this to you because if your brother is to ever see his mother again in this world, it would be best to bring him to her now."

As Meg stood considering his words, he squeezed her arm consolingly and wished her a good night.

Meg was deeply concerned. If her mother had confided to Doctor Donaldson that she wished to see Frederick, given all the inherent danger of sharing such a confidence with a stranger, she must truly be desperate for a sight of her son. After ascertaining that Mr. Bell had her father well in hand, she went below to the kitchen in search of Dixon. She asked the servant if she had an address for Frederick to which she might direct a letter, and explained what she was going to do.

Dixon agreed with her, going so far as to claim, "Mind you, miss, if you weren't going to write to him, I was of a mind to do so myself." She promised to copy the address from Mrs. Hale's notes tomorrow morning, in time for Meg to put a letter in the post.

Meg retired to her room and wrote Frederick a short letter explaining his mother's condition, and provided him the direction to their home in Crampton. She urged him to come with all speed, and conveyed in a few short sentences his mother's longing to see her son.

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