Girl Time

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There are many things that excite a teenage girl, things like getting a phone, going to a concert without your parents, going to the mall without your parents, watching your favourite fandom etc....

Yea.... that's nice and all but the one thing that excites me the most is having my best friend sleep over and right now that's about to happen so I'm sitting by the kitchen window waiting for her to pull up on the drive way. You see, having all my E-Girls sleep over is the absolute best but having just my best friend sleep over, it's straight up better than meeting your favourite celebrity!

Ashton walks in and looks at me weirdly before walking out again and I see her pull up, hells yes!

"Ahhhhh!" I squeal and race to the door to open it, I see her racing towards me.

"Hey girl hey!" She squeals and embraces me in a hug.

"Hey girl, looking like a queen!" I say laughing at her totally casual outfit.

"Girl, who needs dresses and miniskirts when you got sweat pants!" She says dumping her stuff and spinning around.

"Where's the award for truest comment ever! Get your butt in here!" I laugh and we head upstairs.

"Hello Becca..." Ashton says as we pass him, please not now.

"Ashton..." Becca says and they end up in a stare off.

"Ok, let's go to my room girl..." I say pulling her away.

"Yea..." She whispers, still giving Ashton a death glare.

"Ok girl first of Ashton is still annoying as hell, second of all we gonna be needing is a laptop, microwave, blankets and bowels because I got an ish tone of movies we can watch only after we have a spa day of course, I have like two extra-large packets of microwave popcorn and a stash of chocolate and sweats then... we're gonna stay up late, rant about bi*** at school, any questions?" She rants causing me to laugh.

"Becca girl, we set! To the bathroom" I say and point towards my door.

"To the bathroom!" She squeals.

We apply our face mask whilst obviously listening to music and grab my nail stuff and run back to my room where Becca opens her bag and dumps a load of movies on my bed.

"Ok so I have many options my good friend... we have, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Mamma Mia, Silver Linings Playbook, Journey 2 the Mysterious Island, another Harry Potter, season 1 of Teen Wolf, The Fault in Our Stars, Hairspray and The Maze Runner and Divergent series so, what's it gonna be?" She smirks.

"Girl, we have a whole day and night to watch all of them so..... Let's watch all of them!" I say and she claps her hands in happiness.

"Girl I was hoping you would say that! Our face masks need to come off... to the bathroom!" She squeals and we race out of the room.

"I think we need to use hot water then rinse our face with co- oh my god! Sorry Rye!" Becca says accidently walking in on Rye in the shower, lol lol lol lol lol!

"Seriously! You guys are so annoying!" Rye shouts.

"I agree little bro!" Ashton yells out, I roll my eyes.

"We said we were sorry! Let it go!" Becca and I scream.

"Fine..." Rye yells making me again roll my eyes.

We wait for Rye to get his butt out the bathroom and rinse our faces after a painful 15 minutes of peeling it off.

"So, I've been meaning to ask you a question, from best friend to best friend yea..." Becca says after we've got back from the bathroom and started doing our nails.

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