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The slam of the car door startles me as I stare at the large hotel building in front of us, if you're wondering where the hell we are, we're in the Capital, yep you heard me, the Capital. Why? Because I'm becoming Panem's next Mockingjay!

After talking to President Paylor both my parents finally agreed to it, but standing outside of this massive building negative thoughts are taking over my mind.

We continue to walk up to the big wooden doors that block us from the inside, my heart is going a million miles per hour and I can already feel sweat covering my palms, Ashton seems to sense this and grabs my hand to hold it, he gives it a reassuring squeeze and we continue walking until we've finally reached the entrance.

"You ready honey?" Mum ask me, clearly nervous herself.

I look at her in the eyes and I'm reminded why I'm doing this in the first place, I give her my signature smirk and tell her;

"I was born ready!"

She snickers and pulls me into a hug, Dad joining not long after.

As we pull away from our hug we here the opening of doors and there stands President Paylor herself.

"Welcome Miss Mockingjay, I've been looking forward to your arrival. Katniss, Peeta so wonderful to see you again, and these must be your other children am I correct?" She greets us, her smile not leaving her face but still remaining professional.

Mum smiles and gives her a nod yes.

"Rose right? Honour to meet you young lady, how much you look like your Mother! I hope you enjoy your stay here." She says to my sister, shaking her hand.

"Thank you Madam President." My sister replies, already mesmerized by the hotels beauty.

"Oh please, call me Paylor, and you must be Ashton, am I correct?" President Paylor tells her, moving on to my twin.

"Pleasure to meet you President Paylor." He greets her, already using his only power, charm.

"And you! I hope you enjoy your stay, I heard you're quite the charmer, Katie's the name of the lucky girl, am I right?" Paylor laughs.

"Thank you and yes, that's her name." Ashton replies totally proud of it... hopeless romantic.

"Wonderful! And you have to be Rye, my god, how much you like your Father! It's scary!" Paylor says, shocked and my brother blushes, little cutie he is!

"Anyway, pleasure to see and meet all of you, Betty here will show you to your rooms, please feel free to explore, we have an indoor and outdoor pool and spa, fantastic relaxation options, I'm sure you'd enjoy that Rose and Katniss, and lots more so please, go for your life! My children have been at the edge of their seats all week for your arrival and would gladly show you around, if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask Betty or myself. Betty if you could show our guest their rooms. If you three could stay here for just a bit longer that would be appreciated." She adds and a young woman walks over, greets us and ask Rose, Rye and Ashton to follow her.

"Sis, don't go mad with the facials!" I yell out laughing at her still shocked face. Total girly girl I say to myself.

"Yea... ok! I'll be at the spa! This is ama-zing!" Rose yells back, her smile not leaving her face.

"I'm sure she's going to enjoy herself, now as you know the big announcement is in three days so in preparation I've hired the best I'm sure she'll be here in a se-" Paylor begins but is interrupted by a very hyper and what I like to call very out-there woman.

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