What, Will, I, Have, Left

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Faith's P.O.V

I was in the car with Lincoln as we drove to find Hayley until I got an idea. "Stop the car." He immediately hit the breaks as I got out.

"Faith are you alright?" I nodded and whipped out my phone.

"I have a spell saved on my phone that I can use my blood to track her along with a strand of my hair to do a very complex spell that would maybe take an hour." He took my phone from me and threw it.

"Hey! What the hell was that for?!" I growled at him.

"I thought you told me an hour into this drive that you didn't want to be found? They can track you though your phone. Now come on we aren't that far away from the witches house." I was questioning my choice now but I needed to find Hayley Marshall.

Serena's P.O.V

I was pacing back in forth in Klaus' study panicking because Caroline and my daughters godfathers showed up in New Orleans out of the blue. "A few hours ago Faith went missing with a boy from school. Now Serena before you try to rip my head off and blame me for letting her go missing all of our staff and student witches are trying to find them."

"Oh Care I would never blame you my baby cousin I love you too much. I'm blaming my daughters godfathers who spent practically the entire fucking day with her!" Both men backed away from me.

"Serena we were back at our hotel when she left with the boy. We told Faith that we would see her the next day and we went back to our hotel." I sighed and threw the nearest thing at the door but it didn't hit the door it hit my ex right in the face.

"I would apologize but I'm pretty pissed right now Klaus. Get your shit you and me are going to find our daughter."

Faith's P.O.V

After about another hour or so of driving we pull up to this run down looking farm house. "I know its not the nicest of houses but she wants to go unoticed by all." I followed him to the house. "She knows we are coming so we can just go right in." I stepped away from him. "Faith what's wrong now?" I sighed and looked down.

"What if she isn't able to find Hayley? Or worse she's already dead." I don't know why but I was starting to care more about this woman but I shouldn't. She knew where I was sent but never tried to contact me.

"Don't worry Daphene is as strong as they come. She should be able to." He opens the door and leads me inside and next thing I know he's placing cuffs on my wrists.

"Lincoln take these off right now or I'll rip out your insides and hang you with them." He looked so ashamed with himself.

"I'm so sorry Faith but I don't have a choice. Those cuffs will keep you from doing any magic. Your gonna stay here till I've been given my next order."

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