We're Being Punked, Pedro

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Faith's P.O.V

The day after the game I was in one of the worst moods I have ever been in. Me and my dad got into one of the biggest fights we have ever gotten in and it ended with him saying something I know he didn't mean but it truly hurt me. I was currently walking with Hope listening to Lizzie trying to get out of going into town for community service.

"It was all Josie's fault. If she didn't mess up at the end of the game we would have won." Uncle Ric didn't seem fazed by Lizzie pointing fingers.

"You would still be in trouble for using your powers." He told her.

"Nice of you to throw your sister under the bus though Lizzie, also why are we here again?" Hope gestures to me and her but she knows why she's here because I wasn't the only Mikaelson trying to hurt someone yesterday.

"You know what you did. Your sister is also here because she nearly put Emily Reed in the hospital." I looked down at my feet because that just brought back the fight between me and my dad. "Now all of you get to the bus, Dorian is waiting for you." We all head to the bus and as we do we pass my parents. My mom looked at me with disappointment in her eyes and I didn't even spare a glance at my father. Once we got on the bus I stared out the window, wanting the day to end.

Serena's P.O.V

As we watched the kids leave for the day I sighed and placed a hand on my stomach. "I still can't believe she started a brawl. She's gotten so good at controlling her anger I have no idea why this would happen." Klaus could barley make eye contact with me. "Alright what the hell did you say to her last night?" He finally made eye contact with me and his face said it all.

"I told her I wished she was never my daughter. Serena my anger took control and now I'm turning into the one thing I never wanted to be and that is my father."

"Firstly you will never be like that monster, you would never beat your children nor would you tear them down till they felt like nothing. Secondly, why the hell would you say that to her?! You already know she's depressed and feels bad about herself and she believes she isn't good enough and now she probably feels worse! You are going to fix this immediately Nik or so help me you will be sleeping on the floor for the next week!"

"Serena she won't even come near me, how am I supposed to fix this when I can't even get close to her?" His voice was cracking.

"I don't know but you better find a way. Now if you excuse me I'm going to talk to Emma to see if she can get an appointment in to see Faith today." With that I headed towards Emma's office hoping my husband could get out of the hole he dug for himself.

Faith's P.O.V

When we got to the square Dorian got us all together to discuss jobs. "Alright its a beautiful day out and there are many things to do. There is graffiti to be clean up, trash to pick up, and other things. Now get to those tasks because you are all going to be here for a while." With that Dorian left us to figure out who was doing what.

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