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Outfits for the chapter

Outfits for the chapter

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Faith's P.O.V

"So what did you need to tell me and Hope about?" I sat in front of my moms desk drying my hair with a towel.

"Yeah and what did you mean by it connected with how we were convinced? We know that dad and mom slept together when they were both drunk." Both my parents sighed.

"Actually that's not true. As you both know we were expecting a phone call from Freya this morning because she said she was given some information by Davina."

"When me and your dad were engaged we were in Italy and I helped a young witch named Clara Blackwood and her family from some vampires and she said she would pay me back one day but never said how. When she learned I was engaged she decided to call upon her ancestors to help me have children but the only spell she could find at the time was a surrogate spell, which would take my children and place them into a non-vampire to carry them."

"So she managed to do the spell but the only human around us that day was a wolf named Hayley so my two babies went into her. She was supposed to know the children weren't hers but once again a witch on the other side wasn't the biggest fan of us Mikaelson's and used a memory spell on your father and Hayley to make it seem like they slept with each other and from there on everyone believed those two babies were hers until a few weeks ago when Davina was contacted by witches who told her this story. She told Freya who worked with Vincent to see if this was even possible and turns out it was."

"So what are you saying..." My voice was barley above a whisper.

"You and Hope are biologically my children. Now Hope you are probably wondering why you look like Hayley a little bit and that's because she carried you so some of her genes intertwined in yours while Faith seemed to only get me and your dads." I look to my twin to see her trying to cry. "Hayley learned about this when she passed due to the spell being lifted for her and I know she will always love the both of you."

"I'm sorry I can't do this anymore." Hope got up and walked out of the room making sure our parents didn't see her cry.

"This is a lot to take in guys. I'm gonna go to bed and sleep this off I'll see you both tomorrow." I left the room and went up to Hope's room instead because I knew she was going to need me for the night. I knocked lightly on the door and heard a quiet come in a few seconds later.

"Faith before you say you understand you somewhat do but at the same one you don't. You were raised by Serena while I was raised by Hayley and I grew up believing she was my mom and so did everyone else and I don't know how to process this information with breaking down." I laid down next to her and pulled her close to me as she started to sob harder.

"Let it out Hope just let it out." That's how we spent most of the night. The next day I woke to the sun shining brightly through and Hope no longer in the room. I checked my phone to see it was almost noon and I had missed the morning meeting but I couldn't give less of a fuck about it. As I left Hope's room and kept walking through the hallways everyone kept saying they were going to vote for me and hoped I win. What the hell were they talking about?

"Faith there you are!" I turn to see Emma approaching me.

"Emma what is everyone talking about when they I'm going to vote for you?" She let out a light laugh.

"I forgot Serena told me you were still asleep during the meeting. We are starting an honors council where one person from each faction will be picked to represent their group. Everyone must want to vote for you for the vampires but at the same time you and your sister are the only two in your faction so technically you already won unless Hope wants a say."

"I'm going to be completely honest with you and I'll tell you I didn't understand a word you just said. Now if you excuse me I need to see where my sister is." I walked outside to see Hope with Landon and he was running away from her as she held a timer. "Whatcha doing?" I ask her as I look around at the stuff she has.

"Dr.Saltzman and Se- I mean mom asked me to test him to see if he was supernatural." I smirk at her.

"Let me guess, your testing to see how quickly he can run away from you?"

"You know me so well Faith." She nudges me. "Hey also don't think you have to call mom, mom yet if you aren't comfortable. Both her and dad know it will take some time." She sighs but nods. "Now if you excuse me MG is coming this way most likely to drag me off to see who won this election thingy. Also since we represent our own faction I'm putting you in charge because I don't feel like it."

"Don't argue with me either because another thing your good at is making a little smarter decisions than I do from time to time." She makes a face.

"Alright fine I'll do it." I smirk in victory only to be dragged away by MG for the election. As we went through the election Rafael was picked for the wolves and now it was time for the vampires.

"Now for the vampires." A slip appears in Emma's hand. "Faith Mikaelson."

"Not happening Emma pick the runner up!" She sighed but complied with my request and Kaleb was chosen meaning he would get out of what I like to call ripper prison. Then in a shocking yet not shocking twist Josie was picked for the witches. Later that night as I was getting ready for bed Hope came into my room with doe eyes and a smile on her face.

"I have a boyfriend." I dropped my phone and let out a squeal.

"About time Hope! Now where is he so I can stop dad from giving the parent lecture so I can give the sister one."

"He left because that was the safest thing for him. I actually sent him to Vincent to go find his mom." I immediately knew she was talking about Landon.

"At least you are finally getting some action." She hits me with a pillow.

"I just hope things stay normal for the time being."


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