Hope Is Not The Goal

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Faith's P.O.V

We were all in the great hall getting lectured by Ric because the sheriff is trying to find the bitch who attacked me because she went missing. "Now I need some people to volunteer to go to Mystic Falls high school and figure out what happened to the two students who are currently missing." Lizzie immediately stood up and looked at Ric.

"I think me and Faith should lead the charge."

"Absolutely not! You can go and volunteer for tribute but my ass is staying here!" Me and her go into a death staring contest till my mom breaks it up.

"Girls enough! You will both be going. Now would anyone else like to help with this?" No one made a move to help and that set mom off.

"Hope, MG, Kaleb, and Landon your all helping."

"But Serena..." Hope stopped talking when she met the Van Der Woodsen bitch face. "Alright fine." Hope sits down and sulks.

"Now all of you get ready because the bus is leaving here soon." I walked over to mom when everyone started to leave the hall.

"Why do I have to go? I've think I have had enough of those assholes to last a lifetime and I'm immortal."

"Your going because it involves a girl Lizzie has problems with and the girl you beat the living hell out of. So suck it up sweetie because you aren't getting out of this. Now if you excuse us, me and your father are expecting a phone call from your aunt Freya." She placed a kiss my head and walked off with my dad.

"Could this day get any worse?" I mumbled out loud as Lizzie approached me.

"Listen Faith I just wanted to apologize for what I said the other day. I was totally out of line and I got angry because I thought you were hitting on Rafael." I let out a bitter laugh.

"Lizzie you do remember that the only guy I have a little bit of a thing for is Allen Potter right? Besides if I ever end up in a relationship it's likely to be with a woman."

"So are we cool?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Why are you being nice to me Lizzie? We have never been nice to each other so why now?" She sighed and looked at her feet.

"Aunt Serena pulled me aside last night and talked to me about everything you went through and stuff and I just felt awful of how I been to you because as much as I hate to admit it your really cool."

"So is Lizzie Saltzman admitting defeat and wanting to become friends?" I never thought I would see this day.

"I guess I am, but only with you. I can only handle one Mikaelson and well you know me and Hopes history." Oh I knew the true story but Josie is making me keep my mouth shut.

"Alright then. Now if you excuse me I'm going to go change and steal my dads flask because if I'm going to deal with humans I need to have some bourbon."

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