Death Keeps Knocking On My Door

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Serena's P.O.V

I was currently in the basement of the school trying to see if I could kill this asshole who brought my dad back from the dead and tried to kill my daughter and my niece in one night. I threw a knife into his head but he wasn't fazed one bit by it. "You should know that none of this is going to work. I'm the creator of death, people cower when they hear my name I'm the almighty Necromancer!"

"No ones heard of you dumbass. How hard is that to process for you. Now if a knife won't do the trick how about I douse you in acid and light you on fire." I pull out a blow torch and turn it on but stop when I hear footsteps.

"Mom, dad wants you upstairs. He says this isn't good for your health at all." I slam the torch down on a small table.

"Tell your father I'm not leaving till I can kill this bastard."

"Dad! She won't come!" Faith yelled and next thing I knew Nik appeared and dragged me out of the cell.

"Between you and the girls your all going to make me somehow get gray hair."

Faith's P.O.V

After walking in on my moms torture session I helped Hope in the library trying to see if we could find anything on the newest guest in the basement, and like the rest of the creatures we have faced. We both head down to the basement and wait near the door when the Necromancer finally speaks. "You both have a strong scent of death on you. Especially one of you and it's quite lovely."

"Okay let's just cut to the chase. You don't exist at all. We had the same thing with all the creatures that came before you. A dragon, a gargoyle, a dryad all in search of the same knife you are." He scoffs at the both of us.

"That's impossible, those only exist in works of fiction." I wanted to punch him so badly.

"No they've been erased from history just like you. Don't believe us? Here." Hope walks over and slides some books through the cell. After that a full tantrum broke out.

"This isn't possible! I'm world renown!" I sat down on the floor.

"Let me guess the last thing you remember was being in complete blackness then you wake up with only one thing on your mind and that is to bring a knife back to where you once were, almost as if you were compelled to." He seemed baffled that we knew this. "We want to know the answers too. Maybe we can help each other."

"I don't think your mother would like that all too much, but you both seem like the type to go against the rules." Both me and Hope roll our eyes.

"She'll understand. Now there might be a way to see what your experiencing if we do a head dive into your subconscious." He starts laughing at us.

"You want to take a walk around in my subconscious? You need a strong vampire to do that."

"We have one." Hope walks off to go get our vampire while I stayed in the basement.

"You are much different from your sister." I raise an eyebrow.

"How am I different?" I walked up to the cell. "You reek of death like no tomorrow while your sister doesn't. Why is that?" I closed my eyes and when I reopened them they were pitch black.

"Your a follower of the underworld. The only people who can do that are those who are close to Abraxas himself."

"Well he's my uncle and decided to brand me before I was born but that's a story for another time." His eyes widen in a fear like manner.

"Your scared. Now why is that?" He stares off into space not answering me. It was almost as if someone was talking to him in his head. As he kept zoning out I heard Hope coming with MG.

"Holy Mary, mother of demons!" MG looked ready to shit himself.

"Hello Milton! Your great nana Imogene is waving hello over your shoulder."

"You can see my great nana?" I nearly started laughing at MG.

"Oh I can see everyone. She's most disappointed in you for forsaking Jesus, who I can also see, but oh you know, that's another can of worms. Shall we being?" Hope unlocked the cell door and she stepped in and I swear MG was really going to shit himself.

"We are going in there? With him?"

"Yes with me. The almighty Necro..." Hope cut him off.

"Please can you not do all that again. Now Faith I need you to go upstairs and be the distraction because if the both of us are missing plus MG everyone going to start putting the pieces together." I gave her a look.

"I get to go be bait to the pissed off pregnant woman? Thanks sis. MG if you need any extra strength come and get me don't hesitate."

"Got it Black Widow." I raised an eyebrow.

"Because our super squad is like the avengers." He kept trying to explain himself as I headed upstairs. I managed to keep everyone off our trail until MG came rushing upstairs looking frantic. "Faith I need help. Hope is stuck in that creepy guys head and I can't get her out." My eyes widen in fear.

"What do you mean she's stuck MG? It should be easy to get her out. Unless he's mind trapping her and only an older vampire with experience can get her out."

"That means we have to go get my parents involved." We got both my parents who were furious with our action.

"How could you two be so reckless?! That thing is a master manipulator who prays on peoples emotions!" I have never seen my mom so angry.

"We had it handled mom." She let out a loud scoff.

"Yes because getting trapped in his head is having it handled Hope."

"Serena luv, go to our room and calm down. This fighting isn't good for you or Henrik." Mom nodded but sent the both of us one last look before she went to her room. "Girls we will deal with this tomorrow because I need to calm your mother down. I'm disappointed in the both of you." I stormed out of the room and headed to my bedroom because I needed to be alone. I spent the rest of the night reading till Hope came in and held me tight.

"You okay?" She shook her head no. "Wanna talk about it?" Once again I got a no. "Let me take a guess. We are gonna sneak out in the middle of the night to go get the cheap version of Harry Potter?" She looked at me in shock. "I saw your bracelet glowing. Now I'll set an alarm let's get some sleep before you and me go play Hermione and Ginny."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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