Till The Day I Die

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Faith's P.O.V
Once again I was at the cemetery changing to flower of the man I murdered. There's that word, murder. I never thought in my life I would kill someone even on accident but here I am. I heard footsteps coming up behind me. "You didn't have to come."

"I wanted to make sure you were alright." I heard my fathers voice.

"I don't know why we leave flowers. Doesn't do them any good. It's not much of an apology for killing someone." I stared at the framed photo of the man who died at my hand.

"Unintentionally. You rid the city of those vermin. You have nothing to apologize for."

"Don't make it sound so noble. Yeah, yeah, I killed a few bad guys, but it was as much to get the magic out of me as anything else. Besides, it's not like it lasted more than a few hours. Well at least he gets his revenge next week when the full moon comes."

"Faith, however much you dread your first transformation, once you go through it you're gonna feel better." My father told me with a look in his eyes that said it all.

"I don't know if I dread it or if I wish that I could just turn and never turn back. My godfathers said that, after the pain, it's one of the best feelings in the world. I want to believe it but I can't."

"I do want to help." I looked up to my father.

"I know, but I need to be alone." I told him and turned back around to the small memorial.

"As you wish." With that I heard him walking away.

Serena's P.O.V

Me and Klaus rushed up the stairs to where Kol and his wife were staying after he told me that Faith has these black like veins going up her skin. I go straight to the door and I knock on it and it opens. "Hello, brother." Klaus says before I could get a word in.

"Well, that's a suspiciously warm greeting."

"Paranoid as usual, I see. But don't worry, it's not you we are looking for." I rolled my eyes as Davina came into view.

"Well, then, it must be important if you're asking me for a favor. I'm in mourning, if you even care." I stepped in.

"I apologize Davina, but it's about Faith. The dark magic within her has had some peculiar side effects. She's got these dark lines, like poisoned veins running up her arms. Today Klaus noticed a new line on the back of her neck. We just need to know what it means."

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