Sunday nights and monday mornings

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Destiny POV.
I turned off Josiah's light and closed the door so there could be a crack. I walked into Michaela's room and found her watching tv in her bed.

"Michaela time for bed, princess."

She sighed.

"Come on. Come say your prayers."

She got on her knees by her bedside and said a prayer aloud. I got next to her and listened to her.

"Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray de lord my soul to keep. And hold me in your arms to tight. Until I see de morning light. Then as I start a new day. I ask, oh lord to know your way. Help me to trust you and obey. Amen."

"Amen. Good job princess. Now go get into the bed."

She kissed my cheek and laid in her bed. I tucked her in and closed her door. I walked into to nyla's room to see what she was doing and she was watching tv.

"Bedtime in an hour, love bug. You got your stuff ready for school?"

"Yes mama."

"Alright come say good night before you go to sleep."


I closed her door and walked into NJ's room. He of course was playing video games. I walked in and tapped on him.

"Yes ma'am." He said taking off his headset.

"One hour until your bedtime. You got your school stuff together?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Ok come say goodnight before you go to sleep."


I went downstairs to the mud room to see if they actually did what was told and sighed.

I opened the drawers and saw clothes in them

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I opened the drawers and saw clothes in them. I smiled and walked to our room. Nicolas wasn't in the room so I figured he was in his man cave. I sighed and turned off the light. I already took a shower and had my work clothes together so I decided to finish a song. After I gave birth to the twins, I continued my music.
I walked into the room and sat down in the booth. I finished writing the last part and decided to record it.

"Never knew love would be like this,
  From the day we met to our first kiss.
You mean the world to me.
You're my everything.
My sunshine for the day.
You make me so happy.
You're my moonlight
Shine bright before I fall asleep.
Anyone would dream to be a girl like me
You're the boy that has my heart and the one from dreams.
I wanna spend my life with you,
Boy make my dreams come true
Butterflies when you call my name
Only boy that I claim
Now tell me
Would our love be the same
If time would've changed"

~Monday morning~
Nicolas POV
    I just finished getting ready for work and was about to get the twins ready. It was 6:45am and I needed to hurry up. I already woke them up I just needed to get them dressed. I walked into Josiah's room and got out the clothes from the Monday drawer. I helped him put it on and brushed his hair. I put his shoes on and  put his backpack on my back then told him to go downstairs. I went into Michaela's room and went to the Monday drawer. I called her over and put her dress on along with her sandals. Her mom braided her hair yesterday so I didn't need to do anything to it. We both went downstairs and I grabbed their lunchboxes and headed to the Camaro. I put the twins in their car seat and made my way to their daycare.

Destiny pov.
   I got out of bed and got into the shower, then put
my work clothes on. I made my way downstairs. I made fruit and yogurt for NJ and Nyla and yelled for them to come downstairs. Nyla was first looking tired and a mess.

"Morning NY. I see somebody had a rough night. You want some yogurt?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Here love. What's your brother Doing?"

"Still sleeping."

I nodded and ran upstairs into NJ's room. I turned on his light and told him to get up. He stretched and turned over and fell back asleep. I looked at his tv and turned it on. He was playing video games all night. I shook my head and sighed.

"Nicolas Dominick Hawthorne JR."


"Why the hell, why were you playing video games all night long when I said your bedtime was 9:30 and you had school."

He sat up and shrugged.

"Ion know."

I unplugged his game system and took his controllers to my room.

"Get ready for school."


"Boy stop all that whining before I throw this game system at your big ass head. Go get your ass ready for school."

I heard his door slam and a couple of words before going downstairs. I put the game system on my dresser. I grabbed Nicolas's belt and headed back upstairs.

"Nyla hurry up and get ready for school."

"Yes ma'am."

I opened the door and saw NJ laying in the bed.

"Get yo ass up NJ."

I swung the belt back and hit him on his back.


"Shut the hell up. You wanna be bold and shit thinking your ass grown. I don't wanna see a tear falling from your eyes!! Slam the door and say some shit again ima hang your ass outside this window."

I walked out of the room and shut the door. These kids these days. I walked into my room and put my shoes on and did my hair and makeup. After that I called Nyla in so I could do her hair. I put her hair in its natural curly state with a headband. She wore a yellow polo and khaki pants with white tennis shoes and her blue cardigan.

"Alright Nyla. Go get your signed papers out the box and call your brother in here."

"Ok momma."

NJ walked in a minute later with a red polo, blue shorts, and black tennis shoes.

"Go get your signed papers in the box and let's go."

I grabbed my phone and purse. I got in the car with Nyla and nj and pulled off to their school.

Our Monday morning.

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