Working woman

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Destiny POV
Tuesday 6:30 AM
I rolled out of the bed and went into the bathroom. I took a shower and got ready for work. The twins were still sleeping so i decided to take their clothes together before I woke them.

 The twins were still sleeping so i decided to take their clothes together before I woke them

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Josiah's outfit

Michaela's outfit

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Michaela's outfit

After setting their clothes out I got dressed in my outfit.

I woke the twins up and got them dressed before packing their backpack with snacks and juice

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I woke the twins up and got them dressed before packing their backpack with snacks and juice. I grabbed my purse and walked downstairs to get in my limo.

We made it to the office building and I was excited I grabbed the twin's hands and walked them into the building. A woman a little taller than me walked up to me and smiled.

"Good morning. You must be Destiny. I'm Nancy. And who are these little people?"

"Good morning ms. Nancy. This is Michaela and Josiah my youngest babies."

"Where hubby? And the older kids."

"The kids had school but he will be here when we go to Jamaica."

"Perfect well, this way please."

She lead me down a hall and into a room.

"Here you go make yourself at home. I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Ok thank you Ms. Nancy."

I sat the twins in the chair and took out their tablets along with their headphones.

"Can y'all be quiet for momma then we'll get ice cream when mommy's finished ok. If y'all get hungry, y'all have goldfish and juice ok?"

"Ok momma."

The door opened and Ms. Nancy peeped in.

"We're ready for you love. I'll stay and keep an eye on the little ones."

"Ok thank you Ms. Nancy."

I grabbed my purse and headed down the hall into the office. I greeted everyone and took a seat.

"Good morning Ms. Destiny. I'm Kyle. I am the head director in this company. I am glad to be working with you now. This meeting is just going to talk about your promotion."

"Yes sir."

"Ok so you'll be working weekdays except Thursday's because you'll be flying out to different places. You'll be working all day Friday and half of Saturday then back home on sunday. Monday you don't come until 1 pm and you get off at 5pm. Then Tuesday and Wednesday 6Am to 3pm. Umm you can get a week off every month starting in January. And we'll pay for transportation and if the kids need to go well get you a nanny. You'll get paid $500,000 a month. You get paid every week. Any questions?"

"No sir thank you."

"Ok well thank you. Nice meeting you ms. Destiny. I'll talk to you on Monday. Oh for the rest of the week we have goodies for you and your kids to check out. This will be like a off week for you. So here you go. 9/11 museum and the air and space museum. With free lunch anywhere you go. Enjoy!"

"Thank you so much."

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