Guys day

15 0 0

Nicolas POV
Jeremiah and I were playing the game.

" You pussy ass nigga . You  should've blocked that shot."

"I ain't have enough time to jump the buzzer was already done. My bad Nick."

Jamari started crying. Jeremiah paused the game and looked over at Jamari.

"What Lil nigga."

I laughed and shook my head. Jeremiah picked him up and waved his hand over his nose.

"Jamari what the hell your momma gave you to eat? Hold on Nick lemme go change him."


"What's up NJ."

"Mommy said you gotta take me to the gym."

"And when she said this?"

"This morning."

I pulled out my phone and dialed Destiny's number.


"Babe, you told NJ to tell me to take him to the gym? Take him where? And where y'all going? I know you fucking lying babe. I know one thing yo ass better be in this bed tonight."

I hung up the phone and sighed.

"Jeremiah, our wives are ditching us until the morning."

"Where the hell they going and when they gonna pick up these kids."

"They not getting the kids they're staying with the girls."

"Aw hell naw. Jace call your momma and ask her when she coming back."

I sighed and paced back and fourth.

"Alright, Lets roll Jace and NJ."

I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

"Nicolas I know you not leaving me with them."

"It's only Josiah and Jamari."

"Well ima go get some food then."

"I'll take Josiah then."

My phone rung in my pocket with my aunts name on the caller ID.

"Hello, hey auntie. Yea I'll bring him. Cae not here auntie she with Destiny and I have no clue where Destiny is."

I hung up and went upstairs to pack Josiah's bag. Jeremiah took My truck ,and I took My car. We all got in and Jeremiah drove off first leaving the rest of us in the driveway.

"NJ you got your bag packed?"

"Yes sir."

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