Continued from last chapter Destiny POV 6:50 pm After I made it home, I took a shower and got ready. Nicolas hasn't called or came home yet so I was nervous. I made sure I looked nice before going upstairs. I shook my head at the kid's rooms and sighed. I grabbed what I needed and headed back downstairs. I applied lipstick to my lips and fixed my curls.
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My phone rung and I rushed to answer it.
"Hello... ok..."
Nicolas was outside and I finished putting on my finishing touches. I put my phone in my purse and headed out the door. He stood by the passenger side with flowers. He handed them to me and opened the door. He was wearing a suit and looked like he got a fresh cut. He got into his side and looked over at me.
"What's this for?" I looked around.
"Just because."
We pulled off to the direction of our destination and listened to the music on the radio.
We pulled up to a outdoor restaurant and sat down at a empty table. A man walked up to us and handed us menus and poured wine into a glass.
"Good evening sir, madam, would you like an appetizer."
"A salad for the lady and I please."
I got comfortable in my seat once he left. Nicolas looked at me and smiled.
"Pretty huh?"
"Not more beautiful than you."
"Thank you." I blushed.
"You're welcome. When we go home after this, change your clothes we're going to a private movie."
"Oh really!"
"Yes ma'am."
The man came back and handed me a salad. I said thank you and took apart my napkin. I put the napkin in my lap and continued to eat the salad.
"Good baby?"
He nodded and I smiled.
Once we made it home, I changed my clothes and waited on him to finish.
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He walked out the bathroom and stared at me.
"Aw hell naw. Bae where the hell you get this from and where you think you going."
"Babe calm your self. I have a black shirt on."
"Oh ok. Well let's go then."
He grabbed my hand and we walked to the car. We made small conversation before pulling up to the movie. We got out and made our way to our seats.
The movie started and I was ready to watch it. Nicolas pulled me close to him and kissed my forehead.