New years

13 0 0

Destiny POV
Nicolas put the last suitcase in the van and hopped in. Today was the day that we were flying to Jamaica with our moms and friends. Nicolas's sister and brother was coming as well. I sighed and sat back as Nicolas pulled out of the driveway. It was currently four o'clock in the morning and we were all tired.

  We finally made it to the airport. We turned in our suitcases and went through security check. We were now in line boarding our plane. Nicolas held Michaela and Josiah while I held Nyla's hand and carried a car seat. NJ carried the other. The lady grabbed our boarding passes and let us pass.

  After finding our seats in the middle of the plane, Nicolas and I got the car seats situated before sitting the twins down. NJ sat by the window while I sat on the outside and Josiah sat in the middle. Across from us, Nyla sat on the outside while Nicolas sat by the window. I put the twins  headphones on and played a movie for them. Nj and Nyla pulled out their iPods and played their music while I simply played music from my phone.

We finally landed in Jamaica and I couldn't be more happy. The twins were whining the last hours of the flight for unnecessary things. On top of that, Nicolas was sleeping through it all. I had a serious attitude that only food could fix at this moment.



"You didn't hear me calling you?"

"Clearly I been ignoring you, now what do you want?"

"Nothing. What you gotta a attitude for?"

"The twins were crying the last few hours of the ride and you sleep through it. Me and peanut haven't had any sleep. I'm tired Nicolas."

He sighed and shook his head. The twins were sitting on the chairs while Nicolas and I waited for our bags. I grabbed my suitcase and Nicolas grabbed his and the kids. We made our way back to the kids and they grabbed their bags. We got into the limo that was ordered from my job.

  We finally made it to the hotel and I was experiencing pain in my stomach. I held my stomach and sighed heavily.

"Babe. Y'all go head to dinner. I'm not feeling good."

"What's wrong." He asked walking over to me.

"My stomach hurts really bad."

"You wanna go to the doctor?"

"No im fine go have dinner."

"Alright. I'll bring you something back."

"Thank you."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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