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Nicolas POV
Friday 10:39 Am
  I got into my car and headed to the airport. Nyla and NJ were already at school and I took off of work today. I nodded to the beat of the music as I pulled up to the pickup area at the airport. I looked down at my watch and sighed. I was a little early as always so I decided to go get some breakfast.

   I pulled into chick Fil a and ordered chickin minis for the kids and a biscuit for me and Destiny. Once I got to the window, Destiny's name popped up on my screen.i sighed and answered it.

Destiny: Hey baby we just landed
Me: Alright. I'm getting y'all some breakfast I'm on my way.
Destiny: Alright

I hung up and grabbed the food from the lady. I drove off to the airport. I got back into the pickup line and I saw Destiny and the kids walking up to the car. I got out and helped them into the car.



"Hey princess."

I smiled and picked cae up. She kissed my cheek and hugged me. Destiny kissed my lips before grabbing her from my arms. She put her in her car seat while I put the suitcase in the trunk.

Destiny POV
I got into the car and watched as Nicolas got in the car. I handed the twins their food and ate mine. I occasionally fed Nicolas too while he drove to our next destination, home. We pulled up to the house and Nicolas got out of the car. He grabbed the suitcase while I got the twins out. They grabbed my hand and walked into the house.

"Aye babe, go get them dressed. We going somewhere in a minute."

"Where we going?"

"Just get dressed please."


I walked upstairs with the twins and walked into Michaelas room. I grabbed some clothes out her closet.

she got dressed in the clothes I took out

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she got dressed in the clothes I took out. I Walked Into Josiah's room and did the same thing.

I went into Nicolas's and I's room and saw him getting dressed so I pulled out my clothes too

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I went into Nicolas's and I's room and saw him getting dressed so I pulled out my clothes too. I put my clothes on and made my way to the bathroom with him on my tail. He pulled me into his arms and moved his hands up my body. I laughed and tried to get away but he pulled me closer making me face him.

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