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Nicolas POV
I finally finished Christmas dinner of turkey, ham, Mac and cheese, sweet potatoes ,greens, cornbread, and dressing. Destiny set the table while I got dressed in cleaner clothes. The kids still had to open their presents but we were waiting until later. Destiny walked into the room and kissed my lips.

"Thanks babe for making the food."

"You're welcome. Now let's go eat." I laughed.

We grabbed each other's hands and walked out of our room. Everyone was sitting at the table waiting. We joined everyone and prayed over the food.

"Dear lord, thank you for bringing our families together to celebrate the birth of you. Thank you for the food you provided for us. Thank you for allowing us to see another day. In Jesus name we pray, amen."

"Amen." We all said in unison.

We grabbed the bowls of food and filled up our plates. We held small conversations and told stories while enjoying the food I made.

After we all finished eating and Destiny finished cleaning, the kids started opening their gifts. Josiah was first pulling out a big, wrapped package.

"Oouuu, whats that JoJo?" Amber asked.

He quickly opened the package and took out a train set. His face lit up and he smiled hard.

"A train!" Josiah screamed.

Destiny clapped and handed Michaela her present.

Michaela wasn't really a fan of opening stuff , so it took her a while. She opened it and pulled out a doll.

"She's pretty." My mom smiled.

Michaela ran over to my mom and talked to her about the doll.

Destiny handed Nyla her gift and she smiled. Nyla unwrapped the package quickly and pulled out a purse. She jumped up and down until I stopped her.

"Wait Nyla, whats in the purse?"

She opens the purse and took out a wallet with her name on it.

She gasped and jumped up and down again. She paused and opened the wallet and pulled out money and a ticket.


I shook my head.

"Nyla What does the ticket say?" Destinys mom asked.

"Ummmm.....Jamaica? What's that daddy?"

"An island."

"We're going on a trip?"

"Yes ma'am!!" Destiny screamed.

"Wait who all going?" Nyla asked.

"Everybody in this room." I smiled.

Everybody looked around and jumped up and down.

"We leave New Years!" I yelled.

Destiny handed the a gift to NJ and watched him open it. His face lit up as he finally noticed what it was.

"A new game!!"

Destiny looked at me and shook her head.

She handed me a present and everyone eyes looked at me while I opened the gift. I took of the ribbon and then the paper. I opened the small box and pulled out some keys. I looked confused and Destiny looked at me.

Wait until later. She mouthed.

I nodded and she handed a present to my mom. My mom pulled out a sweater and keys  and smiled.

"This is cute." We all laughed.

"Your son has some good taste." I smiled

She laughed and brushed me off.

Destiny handed a gift to her mom. She pulled out keys as well. She looked at me and I shrugged.

"Wait till later ma."

She then handed out the rest of the presents and I went to our room. I pulled out her present. I walked back in the room and smiled. She looked at me as I handed her her present. She opened it and pulled out a contract.

"Why you giving me this?"

"Sign it."

"Is this divorce forms?"

"Girl sign the paper."

She read through the contract and soon signed it.

"What's this for?"

"I got you something."


"Your own studio."

She jumped into my arms and screamed.

"For real?"


Destiny kissed and jumped down.

"Wait before y'all leave, or go to sleep, i have a surprise."

Destiny ran to the bedroom and everyone looked at each other. We all shrugged as she came back to the room. She made everyone get in a circle. I sat on her right side and amber sat on her left. Destiny opened the box and passed it to amber. Amber mouth dropped as she passed it to Jeremiah, who passed it to Tati who passed to Jace, to pass it to Jaylah, who passed it to Nyla, who passed it to Nj. NJ passed it to Destiny's mom and her eyes got big. My mom smiled hard and then it got to me. I took a deep breath and sighed. I looked into the box and saw a pregnancy test. It read 2-3 months and I smiled. I looked at her and she sighed.

"Another one?"

"Another one." She shrugged.

After amber and her crew left, Destiny brought my mom, her mom, and myself outside to the garage. She made us close our eyes and stand there while she turned the light on.

"Ok you can I open them."

I opened my eyes and looked to see three new cars in the driveway. A Range for her mom, Maserati for my mom, and lambo for me. Our mouths dropped as we walked over to the cars.

Merry Christmas to us.

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