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Nicolas and Destiny were dressing the kids up to go trick or treating at church. Nyla was dressing up as a cat. NJ was dressing up as black panther. Michaela was dressing up as tiana and Josiah was dressing up as Batman. Destiny put the finishing touches on Michaela's hair before taking a picture of the kids.

"Say cheese!"


Destiny put her phone away and walked with Nicolas to the family car. Destiny put Michaela in while Nicolas put Josiah in. They both got into the car along with NJ and Nyla and made their way to the church.

Destiny POV
We finally made it to the church and got the kids out and headed inside . Different activities were set up outside such as, bouncy houses, Ferris wheels, and different carnival games. NJ and Nyla played outside with Nicolas while I stayed Inside with the kids. Josiah and Michaela ran off to the little bouncy house while I held their back packs. I watched them jump and laughed at them. I was disturbed by a man tapping my shoulder.

"Excuse me."


"I'm sorry to bother you but you're really pretty. Those your kids?"

"Yes sir and I have a husband and two more outside." I smiled.

"Oh you're married?"

I held up my hand and laughed.

"Yes sir I am."

As soon as I said that Nicolas walked in with the kids.

"Nyla, NJ go get your sister and brother. Destiny, who the hell is this and why you laughing and smiling with him."

"Man I'm sorry I didn't mean to.."

"Nah you shut up. Destiny who is this."

"I don't know Nicolas. He came up to me won't you ask him who is he is."

"I'm sorry, I'm CJ. And she told me that she had a husband some two other kids outside with you. I just called her pretty. I didn't see her ring."

"CJ how the hell you ain't see this ring on her finger? You know what it's all good. But she mine. Don't look, don't talk, don't think, she's mine. Have a nice day."

CJ left and I sighed.

"Baby, really?"

"What ?"

I shook my head and laughed.

"Let's just enjoy our kids."

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