Road trip

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Nicolas POV
Destiny put the twins in the car while I put the last bag in the trunk. Today we were heading to Texas to see our parents. We were going to stay at our old house for the week. It's thanksgiving on Thursday and we were looking forward to it.

I got into the car and drove off towards the highway. Nj had his headphones while Nyla was asleep. The twins were making small conversations to each other while Destiny looked out the window singing to herself.

After a few hours of driving, I stopped at a Tesla station to fill the car up. Destiny got the twins up and took them to use bathroom. I took Nyla and NJ to the store to get them food.

"Y'all want this or something else?" I asked pointing to the pizza.

"I want that."

"I want chicken tenders daddy."

I sighed.


I got up to the counter and ordered the food.

"4 chicken tenders please. And one pizza and one burger."


"Yes please."

"Ok. $25.48"


I pulled out the money and grabbed my receipt. Destiny came out with the twins hands and headed back to the car.

I grabbed the food and headed where Destiny was. I gave everybody their food before getting in the car. I pulled off towards the highway to the sound of the radio.

Fifteen hours later.

Destiny POV
We finally pulled up to our old  house and I couldn't be more happier. The kids got out of the car and smiled at the house. Last time we were here, was last year for Christmas. We renovated the house and added a couple of more rooms.

   Nicolas opened the house door and let all of walk in while he got the bags. The kids ran up to their rooms and went to bed since we had to get up early and visit family. I walked into the master bedroom and went into the bathroom. I put my hair in a bun and got ready for bed.

~Next morning~
Destiny POV
I got out of the shower and dried my hair. I plugged in my flat iron in and got dressed. I walked back into the bathroom and flat ironed my hair. After I finished, I looked at my self in the mirror. I turned around to face a still sleeping Nicolas. I sighed and woke him up.

"Babe, get up! We have to meet your parents in a hour."

He sighed and turned over.

"It's only my mom."

"Still.. get uppp!!! You know I don't like to keep her waiting."

He sighed again and slowly exited the bed.

I walked upstairs and went into the kid's bedroom. They were all sleeping and I was getting annoyed. I woke them up and rolled my eyes.

"Cmon! Get dressed please. We have to go meet your grandma."


I walked back downstairs and walked to our bedroom to check my phone. I scrolled through Instagram and likes the pictures through the feed.

"Babe, this look ok?"

Nicolas asked walking out of our bathroom.

"Yes, now lets go!!"

"Alright Alright."

"Let's go kids!"

"Mommy our hair."

I sighed and took out the hair stuff. I brung the girls into the room and sat them down. I brushed their hair into a neat ponytail and placed bows on their head.

"Ok now let's go ladies."

We got into the car, joining Nj, Nicolas, and Josiah. Nicolas drove off to his moms house while I sat back and watched the Road. Familiar houses created memories I had. Nicolas grabbed my hand and smiled. I missed living here. But at the same time I had to start a family of my own. 

We pulled up to the house and got out of the car. Nicolas knocked on the door while I got the kids situated. She opened the door and greeted us with smiles and hugs. She made jokes as we walked in the house and took off our shoes. We walked into the kitchen and the kids sat at the bar. I washed my hands, so I could help her cook and held small conversations with her. Nicolas went upstairs to talk to his step dad while the kids stayed with me.

After cooking, I grabbed  the plates for her and set the table. She followed me with bowls of food and placed them on the table. The kids washed their hands while we called the boys down. We sat down at the table waiting on Nicolas's sister and brother. Neecy and JD walked in and greeted everyone before sitting down. We grabbed hands for prayer and dug in.

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