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Destiny POV
   I got inside of the car with amber and the girls and made my way to a spa. Today was a girls day with of course all of my girls. First, our spa appointment, then to the mall, and to dinner. After all of that we were going to head back home and get ready for amber and them to leave to Las Vegas to look at their house.

   We pulled up to the spa and got out of the car. I walked into the building and talked to the lady before going to the back. Amber and I, went into a room while the kids went to the kiddie area. I put my stuff down on the table and grabbed the robe  that was laying on the bed.i went into the bathroom and undressed myself. I put on the robe and made my way back to the room. A lady walked in the played soothing music, then walked over to me and started talking.

"Good morning Ms. Destiny. I see you brought your friend. Would you like your usual?"

"Good morning, Lacy. Yes ma'am. And amber, my friend, would like the same thing, give her mango though."

Lacy nodded and continued the process. Amber and I were currently getting waxed, then we were going to get facials. The kids were getting facials and a manicure. Amber looked at me and sighed.

"Destiny, why did you talk me into this?"

"It doesn't hurt Amber. You should know you got one before your wedding."

"That was a long time ago."

"So youre telling me you haven't been to get your punani waxed since your wedding day? What you been doing? Shaving?"

"Yes Destiny. I didn't have time to go get it done again and plus it lasted a while. How often do you go?"

"Once every two months. Since the day of my wedding I've never stopped going, especially with the scents they give you. And I have a membership now so it doesn't cost as much as it did at first."

"Does Nicolas know?"

"Yeah. He says I'm crazy. But you know him he'll say everything is crazy."

"Y'all beeen fucking since Josiah and Michaela."

I laughed and coughed.

"We haven't had the time to be honest. Our lives revolves around our kids now and work."

"So you telling me, you haven't gotten bomb dick for two years?"

"Yes amber that's exactly what I'm saying."

"Poor Nicolas haven't gotten pussy no wonder why he so moody."


"What I'm just saying. You making this poor dude suffer."

"Well I can't really make time, with the way my music and the agency is working."

"When we go to Las Vegas I'll take my god children well just two. I'll take NJ and Nyla. Josiah and Michaela can go to nick aunt house I'll drop them off, but your moody, ugly ass need some dick tonight."

I laughed and sighed.

"I'm kinda scared, you know he big ass hell. He might break something."

"Destiny shut your no having dick ass up. You had four kids by this dude. I know you're kids were small and skinny, but your stuff not tight no more unless.."

"Unless what?"

"You got yo shit tightened."

"Amber no! I'm just saying it's been two years."

"Yes you getting dickicnated tonight."

I laughed and shook my head.

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