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"Cait?" David looked at the girl he used to call his best friend. Caitlyn quickly moved her glance to the floor in hopes he'd just keep walking. But nothing was ever that easy with David Dobrik.

"Caitlyn Moore?" David repeated himself. David approached Caitlyn with a smile on his face. He missed her.

"Mhm." She responded as quietly as she could, not looking up at him. David had his signature black attire on and was accompanied by his best friend Liza Koshy.

"It's been so long." He exclaimed with a smile on his face. Caitlyn scoffed at that remark. "How are you Cait?" David didn't give up, he's was determined to not let go of Caitlyn this time.

"It's Caitlyn to you David." Caitlyn hissed, this time making eye contact with him.

"How can you still be mad about some bullshit that happened when we were teenagers?" David asked Caitlyn, growing impatient at her responses. David couldn't understand why Caitlyn wouldn't forgive him.

"Am I interrupting?" Sabrina walked in almost on queue to hand Caitlyn her free donut.

"Nope. David was just leaving." Caitlyn smiled at Sabrina and then exchanged a quick glance with David. As bad as David was with picking up hints, he realized he should leave and followed Liza out. Liza remained confused until he started explaining to Liza his situation with Caitlyn. He managed to leave out the parts where he left Caitlyn for popularity. He figured it wasn't all that important, especially because he came off rude.

"Thank you so much for that." Caitlyn smiled at Sabrina as she took a quick sip from her hot tea.

"Is that the famous David Dobrik from your high school? The one who ruined you?" Sabrina asked while rubbing Caitlyn's back.

"I wouldn't say he ruined me. He didn't mean anything to me so he didn't hurt me." Caitlyn crossed her arms. She could never come across as weak. She would make sure David would never know he broke her. Who's knows what he would do with that power over her?

Liza remained quiet in the car ride with David. David never spoke up which was weird for how outgoing he was. This kid could never shut up even if he was ductaped.

"There's more to that story." Liza piped up. David looked at her intently.

"What would make you think that?" David raised his eyebrows. Liza looked dumbfounded at David.

"You think I can't tell? That girl has to have a reason to hate yo-"

"She doesn't hate me!" David exclaimed in anger. "Caitlyn doesn't hate me okay? We just had a falling out." David stubbornly crosses his arms, knowing he's wrong. He knows it's his fault that Caitlyn had distanced herself from him. Was he willing to admit it's his fault? Never in a million years.

"David don't yell at me." Liza looked at him in shock. He never rose his voice, especially when it came to Liza. David sighed. He took his eyes off the road and glued them onto Liza.

"Then don't give me a reason to." He mumbles and then looked away. Liza had known David for about three years. This Caitlyn girl definitely has a major impact on him and Liza is determined to find out why.

"David." Liza started. She took a breath and continued. "What did you do to her?" Liza croaked. She didn't want to push him over the edge.

"Nothing that she should still be mad at. She should have forgiven me, I know I've moved on." David said, calming down.

"Can't you just tell me?" Liza softly smiled at him and he nodded.

"I abandoned her. In high school all I wanted was to be popular, and to do that I needed to only be friends with the best of the best. So I left Caitlyn and started, um." David stopped himself. He knew what he was about to say next was exactly why Caitlyn still hated him. He can't tell Liza what happened. So he lied. "I just started hanging with other people and she got all mad at me. She said I was leaving her and she said I couldn't have any friends other then her." David knew Caitlyn wasn't anything close to how he was describing her. She was the most understanding and selfless person he knew.

"Why would she be so mad about that? That's definitely not something you should hold a four year long grade for." Liza sighed and looked up at David. David could feel Liza's stare burning holes through his skin, but if he looked back, she'd know he was lying.

"Exactly." David said stopping the car at Liza's apartment to drop her off. They exchanged a quick hug and then Liza disappeared into her house.

David knows the type of person Caitlyn is. She is always on a schedule, she always has a routine. If she was at that restaurant this morning, she'll be there again tomorrow morning. That's all David needed to know because tomorrow, he planned on seeing her again.

"Yup he means nothing to you." Sabrina deadpanned. Caitlyn and Sabrina had become amazing friends due to the fact Caitlyn came there everyday.

"I have an interview. Thank you for the lovely breakfast, but I have to be on my way." Caitlyn rushed herself out of the restaurant after paying. The truth is her interview isn't for another seven hours but she needed to stop the interrogation. Caitlyn couldn't answer questions without blowing up. Caitlyn Moore hated David Dobrik and just the mention of his name made her want to scream.

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