Twenty One

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"You're recapping it like I wasn't there Cait. I was there! I know all of this happened I don't give a fuck about all that I wanna know the bad shit." Victoria interrupted Caitlyn's story.

"Oh yeah I got carried away." Caitlyn laughed and then coughed after being met with silence. "Anyways to the part you asked for."

Prom Night

"Hey be a doll and get me more punch." Alex smiled and handed Caitlyn his empty cup. After flipping him off she went to pour him some more of the drink he'd already had too much of.

"Red, that's your color." Someone said behind Caitlyn making her swiftly turn to face him.

"Ilya." Caitlyn deadpanned and filled Alex's empty cup.

"Moan my name louder." Ilya smirked. Caitlyn couldn't have rolled her eyes any harder. Her hands were full as she struggled to carry her purse, phone, chapstick and the full cup she did not want to spill on herself.

"Here I'll pour you a cup." Ilya offered and poured Caitlyn a cup and helped her carry it over to her table. Once they placed everything down Caitlyn mumbled a "thanks" and sat down.

"That's all? A thanks? Can I get a kiss?" Ilya smiles and Caitlyn pushed him away.

"In your dreams." She exclaimed as he walked away.

"And now for the traditional couples slow dance. Couples please make your way to dance floor." The DJ announced and all Caitlyn's friends left the table with apologetic looks. Caitlyn just laughed and told them to go have fun. Caitlyn sat alone at the table playing a game she made up years ago.

She took a fork and a spoon and would try to balance them into a teepee formation and see how much she could place on top before it fell. It sounded stupid and boring but it kept her very occupied.

"Ah our game." David sat next to Caitlyn. She gasped and knocked it down. "Wow you got worse at it." He smiled and she hit him.

"What do ya want Dobrik?" Caitlyn scoffed as she reorganized all the silver ware she moved.

"You look beautiful." David smiled sincerely at her.

"Thanks." Caitlyn half smiled as she watched the crowd sway on the dance floor.

"Wanna be out there?" David asked, gesturing towards the packed floor of couples smiling at eachother.

"Eh." Caitlyn shrugged and David nodded.

"Will you do me the honors?" David extended his hand to hers as he stood up, waiting for her to join him.

"No." Caitlyn pulled her hand back and slouched in her seat.


"Go dance with your date." Caitlyn crossed her arms and David sat back down.

"Can't. I ditched her to see you and she's mad, whatcha gonna do?" He laughed with a shrug making Caitlyn crack a small almost invisible smile, but David of course saw.

"If I'm a bad dancer I'll owe you twenty dollars." David offered and Caitlyn laughed.

"That's tempting but I don't like you so I'm not gonna dance with you." Caitlyn gave the fakest smile she could and David sighed. He was clearly frustrated he was getting no where with the stubborn girl.

"What, you're scared I'm a better dancer? Scared I'll beat ya at dancing?" David smirked. Caitlyn was without a doubt the most competitive person he'd ever met. She's always up for a bet or challenge and always won.

"Oh hell no. I'm better. You're on Dobrik." Caitlyn yanked him towards the dance floor once the slow songs were over. David smiled wide as he saw Caitlyn match the beat of the song with a dance move so precisely.

There was no doubt she was the better but he needed to get her to talk to him somehow. Caitlyn watched as David awkwardly moved to the beat and laughed. He had a tuxedo on and she hated that he looked good.

"David what the fuck?!" Ilya yelled and the crowd fell silent. "I called dibs on Caitlyn." Ilya yelled again.

"You called dibs on me? What the fuck am I to you, left overs?" Caitlyn snapped and by this time everyone was watching. "You're probably associated with this, fuck both of you." Caitlyn pointed at David and then Ilya.

"Caitlyn don't be dramatic." Ilya rolled his eyes at the scene she caused.

"Me? Be dramatic? Fuck you Ilya. Don't treat me with such disrespect then I wouldn't. have to be 'dramatic.' Don't talk to me." Caitlyn put air quotes around dramatic as she quickly turned her back and jogged to the bathroom.

Now you're probably wondering, well how could Victoria not know all of this happened? The whole gym heard it. Well Victoria and Alex decided to get out of there for a better time, in their words.

"Cait, Cait." A girl called as she entered the bathroom. Caitlyn sat still and waited for the girl to find her.

"Oh, Sam hi." Caitlyn sighed in relief was it wasn't someone random.

"That was brutal, I'm so sorry Cait. A fight broke out though." Sam said and Caitlyn perked up.

"Well what are doing in here? Let's watch!" Caitlyn yelled and dragged Sam quickly out and into the venue.

"Oh my god." Caitlyn mumbled as she saw Ilya and David fighting Dom and a kid named Zach. No one dared to break them up as they swung at eachother in the middle of the room. Everyone was watching.

"Stop." Caitlyn screamed as she ran in. She didn't care anymore, her dress was red, the blood would blend in. "Stop." Caitlyn screamed louder and ran in the middle of them. "Are you guys insane? This is prom for fucks sake. For once in your life can you not ruin everything. This night was supposed to be amazing. Ilya and David leave us the fuck alone. You go to your new group and I'll be with mine. I can't take this." Caitlyn got quieter as everyone stopped talking to listen.

By now her face was red and she no longer looked how she did when she arrived. The crowd hesitantly dispersed to go dance again and all the chaperones didn't do anything. The two groups returned to their table.

"I'm sorry Cait, I didn't mean to make you mad I was trying to defend you." Zach apologized as he hovered over the table. He was sat somewhere else so didn't want to take a seat.

"No I appreciate it so much Zach, I was mad at Ilya and David. You're amazing." Caitlyn smiled and hugged him. He kissed her forehead and went back to his table.

"K that was cute." Sam smiled and Caitlyn rolled her eyes. Meanwhile, on the other side of the venue sat David and Ilya. Each guy had bruises on their face and David had a bloody nose.

"She's fiesty, I like it." Ilya winks and David hits him. "Chill she's not yours." Ilya said and David looked at him.

"You'll see."

books almost done.
teehee. im also writing
a new one ;)

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