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David Dobrik

"Thanks for watching Lily, like and subscribe, tweet me at David Dobrik. Anything else to add Liza?" I pointed my camera towards Liza who had a large fake smile plastered on her face.

"Um, don't do drugs kids." Liza says and I laugh and then stop recording. "What is happening with you and Cait?" Liza angrily looks at me and I take a step back.

"Woah where is this coming from?"

"Shut up David. She won't tell me so I'm coming to you." Liza crossed her arms and i sighed.

"I told you everything. That's all that happened, I don't why she's still mad. She's just an attention seeker." I scoffed and Liza hit me, hard.

"Make amends with her." Liza coldly stated and then left my house, leaving me alone and confused. I was annoyed with Caitlyn. I'm not gonna fight for her when I don't need her. She wants to play hard to get? Try me.

I call Victoria and smile when she answers.
"Get Caitlyn to be civil with me or we are doing this the hard way." I say and then hang up before she can say no. I laugh and start editing my vlog, waiting for my call back.

After twenty minutes Victorias caller ID pops up and I immeidatley answer. "I tried guilting her into all the fun we had in high school. Telling her we should bring it back. At first she seemed to be thinking about it, but then she yelled and said she knows we are hanging out and she knows me and you kissed. When have we kissed?" Victoria says and my jaw drops. I forgot I lied about kissing Tori to make Caitlyn jealous.

I try to dodge her and change the subject. "Why does she still hate me? I'm trying to act like I don't care but Tori it's killing me. Can I tell you something?" I sigh and hear her mumble a quick yes.

"Caitlyn and I have kissed before." I mumble and she gasps.

"What when?" Victoria cheers and I shush her.

"Junior year. Then it just went downhill. I cared for her, I still care for her. I'm sick of her not feeling the same. Now I'm taking matters into my own hands." I exclaimed sadly.

"Don't do anything stupid David. I'm serious." Victoria scolded me but I rolled my eyes.

"You wanna talk? I'll tell Ilya your secret." I smirk and she sighs.

"Fine do whatever you want, just don't tell Ilya." She pleads and I nod.

"Good girl. Bye." I hang up and sigh. What's happening to me?

Third Person

Caitlyn was on her couch once she heard loud knocks from her door. She got up and looked through the peephole, David. She opened it and stared at him.

"Caitlyn." He said and then walked in. She closed the door and turned to face him.

"What could you possibly want Dobrik?" She scoffed as he just stood there.

"You. I want you to fucking forgive me." He exclaimed loudly and Caitlyn chuckled.

"That's cute, you can leave now." She pointed to the door and he laughs.

"No see you don't understand, it's not an option anymore." He crosses his arms and she laughs harder.

"You're too cute Davey. Too bad you're just not scary." She put her hands on her hips and smiled innocently.

"I seem to remember being called cute by you in high school." David starts and Caitlyn groaned.

"I'm not gonna let you talk down to me Dobrik." She hisses and he just laughs.

"I also seem to remember how much control I had over you? You remember that Cait?" David got closer to her with a smug look on his face.

"Well I guess you've failed to remember I'm different than how I was in high school." Caitlyn huffed at the boy in front of her.

"Oh no I know that. That's why I know you can't resist me no matter how hard you try. Your guard can't stay up forever Cait. You can't block the feelings forever, I'm sick of waiting around for you to forgive me when I know you miss me." David inched closer to her and this moment seemed all to familiar, except last time she was excited. She wasn't this time.

"Wow could your ego get any god damn bigger? Has it ever dawned on you that I don't miss you? I fucking don't David. I don't want you back, I don't need you and I especially don't need you to wait for me. I have no interest in being your friend again so take your ego down because not everyone likes you." Caitlyn yelled as she slapped his face.

Immediately she looked at Davids face and her hand. What was happening to her? She couldn't give in now. "Sorry didn't see you there. Now make your way out of my apartment." Caitlyn walked towards the kitchen and David stood still.

He was upset. He was devastated. "This isn't over." He called out.

"Oh but I think it is. You won't take advantage of me like you did in high school." Caitlyn smiled and pushed him out of the door. "Oh and by the way, Alex is a better kisser than you." And with that, she shut the door on him.

Victoria paced her room panicking. Something bad was going to happen she could tell. She mentally cursed herself for being such a bad friend. She called the one person she could think of.

"I need your help." She mumbled into the phone. "It's about David and Caitlyn. We've gotta get them back together. He likes her, and she has to like him."

"I'm a youtuber! So many people like me, why does this one person not liking me bother me so much?" David screamed into a pillow surrounded by Matt and Scotty.

"Because this one you have feelings for." Matt said and David scoffed.

"As if." He rolled his eyes and both Matt and Scotty exchanged a glance.

"I mean for god sakes I'm a fucking king in youtube, actual youtube royalty and I'm so upset over her." He was bitter.

"Damn she was right about the big ego." Scotty muttered earning a dirty glare from David.

"David you are not the youtube king. I'm the only actual king here. It's my last name guys get it?" Matt smiled and Scotty threw a pillow at him.

"She's fucked you up." Scotty said and David screamed.

"I fucking know, now I have to fuck her up. Ive waited long enough to get back at her. She's a bitch and deserves what's coming." David mumbled and Scotty sighed.

"Leave my assistant alone."

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