Twenty Two

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"Caitlyn, that was highschool! Baby I love you, but it's over and done with." Victoria smiled at Caitlyn.

"I know. I know I should be over it by now, but Victoria, it all still hurts." Caitlyn's sighs as she's met with a hug.

"I know it does, but please, for me. Talk to him, he's in love with you, he'll treat you right. Caitlyn he's your lobster." (Friends reference) Victoria says and ruffles Caitlyns hair.

"I love him, I really do Tori." Caitlyn mumbles as she thinks about the brown haired boy.

"Then go prove it. He would never hurt you again." Victoria draped her arm around Caitlyn as they both exited the mall. Caitlyn's head was going insane with many thoughts and possibilities.

After a short drive, the girls were at Davids house. "You knock." Caitlyn cracks her knuckles anxiously as Victoria bangs on the door.

"Tori, whats up?" David asks as Caitlyn hid to the side.

"Can we come in?" Victoria asks and he nods.

"We?" David asked and Caitlyn slowly walks into his vision. "Um yeah." David swallowed as he let them walk in.

"Hi Liza." Caitlyn waves and Liza smiles.

"I'll leave you alone." Liza stands up and Victoria follows.

"We'll let you two talk." Victoria winks as the two girls head to a different room.

"You wanted to talk to me?" David asked shocked as Caitlyn nods.

"Can we sit?" She asks as they both sat on the couch.

"David, listen."

"No you listen. Caitlyn, I don't know what this is about but if it's about me being in love with you, I'm working on it. I'm meeting other girls, to make you happy so I'm over you." David started and Caitlyn stared blankly at him.

"Um." She cleared her throat as it went dry. "Yeah, um yeah that's what it was about." Caitlyn stands up and sighs. This is what she wanted right? Him to get over her?

"We're good?" David stands up as well to face Caitlyn.

"Of course." Caitlyn smiles and reaches her hand out.

"No give me a hug." David pulls her hand in. She shockingly lets him.

"Get Victoria please Ill be in the car." Caitlyn leaves the house. Soon Caitlyn's sees Victoria prance to the car and hop in.

"He said y'all hugged it out and it's all good! Caitlyn I'm so happy." Victoria nods and Caitlyn just shakes her head.

"No, he's moving on from me. But that's okay, I can't play with his feelings." Caitlyn sighs.

"No play with his feelings. You two belong together." Victoria whines.

"No. This is what I wanted. This is what he wants." Caitlyn reassures herself as they pull away.

"Turn the car around." Victoria demands.


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