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Senior Year

"Prom is tomorrow, that's big dick energy!" Victoria screamed as she ran into the lunch room. Caitlyn rolled her eyes as the obnoxious girl sat across from her.

"You're only excited because you have a date." Caitlyn huffed as she poked her food with her fork. Victoria sighed and looked up at her friend.

"Hey Dom asked you." Victoria pointed out receiving a dirty glare.

"Because of a fucking bet." Caitlyn hissed and Victoria went silent. "Yeah, you think I don't know? I know you're boyfriend made a bet with Dom if he could get me." Caitlyn crossed her arms.

"First off hes not my boyfriend and second off it's not like I was in on it or anything. I found out like two days after he told you." Victoria defended herself.

"Yes and you never told me. I found out after I said yes, it was humiliating and you could have told me. But whatever, I'm over it." Caitlyn dropped the topic and Victoria went silent.

The bell rung and Caitlyn threw out her garbage before rushing to last period. English. After sitting down in her seat with a pencil in hand, she tunes out everything the teacher was saying. Her mind wandered to tomorrow night. She couldn't wait to be in her dress and see what she looked like.

"Caitlyn." Someone tapped her shoulder and she jolted up.

"Alex? What-"

"We're partners." Alex let out a small chuckle and Caitlyn nodded like she knew that. He pulled up a chair to sit at her desk and laid out the assignment.

"You know what we're doing?" Alex asked raising his eyebrows and Caitlyn smiled.

"Of course I know what we're-" Alex stared firmly at her. "No, no I do not I wasn't listening." Caitlyn shrugged earning a smile from Alex.

"The teacher is lazy so we're writing an essay about prom, our expectations, what we're excited for and all that fun stuff." Alex said excitedly and Caitlyn groaned.

"Sounds great." Caitlyn spook quietly as she ripped the paper from Alexs hands.

"Paper cuts paper cuts!" Alex yelled loudly as he looked at his hands. Caitlyn couldn't help but laugh even if they were disrupting the whole class. Soon Caitlyn's smile faded as she made eye contact with David and Ilya. Both boys were annoyed at how loud Caitlyn and Alex were.

Caitlyn flashed them an overly perky smile and then put her attention towards Alex. David watched Caitlyn take control of the project and he knew they'd ace it. David and Ilya were now the kings of the school. They were the most popular and they took none of their old friends with them.

Caitlyn was the only one among her group of four who didn't have a date. Since there's two girls and two guys you'd figure that problem solved itself but after Dom only asked Caitlyn for a bet, she didn't want to go with him. Victoria was going with Alex but neither of them knew if it was as friends or more.

"So prom is tomorrow." Caitlyn changed the topic of discussion and Alex nodded. "Oh yeah fuck you for that stunt you pulled with Dom." Caitlyn finished and Alex quickly looked up at her.

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