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Caitlyn had found herself looking at David again. This moment happened almost too often. David sighed and just walked into Toddy's room, not acknowledging Scotty's introduction of Caitlyn.

"Sorry he was a little off, but that's David Dobrik. He's basically the leader of our vlog squad. We all vlog together and shit. I'll introduce you to everyone." Scotty smiled and Caitlyn and she just nodded along. What the hell was she supposed to do?

"Yes today if you'd like we could have everyone get together, you can get to know them!" Kristen exclaimed happily.

"Sounds great." Caitlyn mumbled through a forced smile. Of course the one time Caitlyn is excited about a job, something has to ruin it. But she wouldn't let that stop her from enjoying this opportunity.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Todd asked David. David was sitting on the bed looking up at the ceiling. His camera was on top of his face so he couldn't see anything.

"I don't know." David slightly laughed at how stupid he probably looked. He took the camera off of his face and sat up.

"Have you met Scotty's new assistant?" David asked Todd. Todd smiled and nodded.

"Yeah I ran into her earlier and we shared a quick greeting. Shes nice huh?" Todd gestured towards David who just nodded.

"Can I tell you something?" David asked quietly and Todd nodded, worried at what David would say. "Caitlyn and I aren't exactly on good terms." David started and Todd was intrigued.

"We were best friends, had a fight leading to a falling out, then saw each other recently. We basically fought and now I don't know what's gonna happen." David sighed, it all sounded so crazy. Two grown adults fighting about something that happened when they were teenagers.

"Are you asking me for advice? Because I'm not good at that." Todd laughed to try and lighten the mood, it didn't work.

"I don't know, I just don't know." David exclaimed and put his face in his hands. Todd sat next to David.

"Just talk it out. She seems reasonable and you two are both grown adults. She'll understand if she's working for your best friend. You two will see each other so often now." Todd said and David nodded at everything he was saying.

David understood and agreed with everything Todd just said. It's just the fact that getting along with Caitlyn and talking things out with her wasn't going to be easy. But David was determined.

Caitlyn was in the living room with Kristen and they were becoming good friends already. Kristen was telling Caitlyn about the group of people and Caitlyn was telling Kristen about how she got to LA.

Caitlyn currently only had one friend and that was Victoria. She was so happy she was making friends again. "The other girls will love you." Kristen said towards Caitlyn.

"I'm so excited to meet them! Especially Gabbie, she sounds so similar to me." Caitlyn stated after Kristen's descriptions of all the girls.

Kristen said Gabbie sometimes wasn't at her best and had suffered a few things. Without thinking Caitlyn told Kristen she has suffered with similar things. Caitlyn had never told anyone that, not even Victoria.

"Hey girls." Todd chimed I'm from the kitchen. He walked in and sat down on the chair.

"Toddy." Both girls said at the same time making each other laugh.

"Wow one day together and you two already are the same person. Spooky." Todd smiled at both of them. "Anyways, the squad is all hanging out tonight to have a little party. Caitlyn you can meet everyone!" Todd happily exclaimed.

"That sounds overwhelming." Caitlyn mumbled after hearing that the whole squad was coming. Kristen picked up on how nervous she was and rubbed Caitlyn's back.

"Don't worry, when I first met everyone I was the same way but they are the nicest people ever. They will welcome you don't worry." Kristen spoke in a soothing tone making Caitlyn calm down.

"Okay, thank you." Caitlyn smiled at Kristen.

"Yeah don't stress, were nice. I mean just look at me, I'm amazing." Todd pointed to himself making Caitlyn laugh.

"Mhm and humble." Caitlyn added sarcastically making them laugh.

David came out looking for Todd and saw him talking to Caitlyn. He envied Todd at that moment. Caitlyn wasn't rude to him, she was smiling. And when David tried, she was rude and never happy.

"Your girlfriend is asking why you aren't texting her back." David mumbled towards Todd. Todd jumped up.

"Shit I forgot she existed." Todd said in a panicky state making everyone laugh. "See you tonight Caitlyn and Kristen?" Todd asked before he left the room and both girls nodded.

Tension quickly filled the room as David stood there. Kristen was awkwardly shifting in her seat as both Caitlyn and David stared at each other.

"Caitlyn, can we please talk?" David begged. He didn't know how she would react but it was worth a shot.

"About?" Caitlyn snapped.

"You and I. Please?" David croaked. Caitlyn sighed in defeat and a small smile grew on David's face.

"I'll go see Scotty." Kristen awkwardly rushed out of the room and David sat on the couch.  He sat on the very end, distancing himself on Caitlyn.

"You gonna talk or no?" Caitlyn grew impatient at the silence. David nodded and cleared his throat.

"When I came to the restaurant, I didn't want to yell at you." David started. Caitlyn looked at him.

"I fucking knew you came there because of me." She scoffed and he cleared his throat, hoping she'd let him continue. She noticed and stopped talking.

"I came to talk, to apologize. I really meant it when I said I missed you Cait I-"

"Caitlyn." She corrected him and he nodded slowly.

"I missed you Caitlyn. I truly regret everything and I just wanted to get on good terms again. We were best friends, you can't tell me there isn't atleast one part of you that misses me." David stared deeply into Caitlyn's eyes. For a second he thought he got somewhere.

Until Caitlyn closed her eyes and looked down. "There is not one part of me that misses you David." Caitlyn slowly said. She never opened her eyes, she didn't want to face him.

David looked down as well. Tears threatened to spill but he blinked them away. That hurt him, a lot. That was a feeling you can't even express in words.

At that moment Caitlyn broke David. But she didn't feel bad. That's exactly what he did to her years ago, it's just a taste of his own medicine.

she's heartless wow.
jkjk she has her reasons.
or maybe she doesn't??
idk i don't have a plan for
this story, at all. i have
no clue where it's going,
give me suggestions.
just wanted some drama ;)

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