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"You can't tell me you don't miss him." Victoria hummed through the phone.

"I can and I will." Caitlyn responded quietly.

"You most not remember him. Do you not remember you two being inseparable? Sometimes I felt I was being replaced by him. High school was amazing and you know it. If you let your guard down we can bring it back." Victoria said as she shuffled through papers.

Caitlyn's mind wandered. She really did love high school. Well up until senior year. Caitlyn had been friends with David since fifth grade and Victoria since junior year. It really was such an amazing time. Her group of friends was great.

Junior Year

"You can't just copy my math homework." Alex crossed his arms and Caitlyn groaned.

"Please. I'll do anything." Caitlyn begged and Alex smirked. (The school Alex not Alex Ernst)

"Can I get a kiss?"

"Anything but that." Caitlyn corrected and he sighed.

"You're no fun." He pouted while crossing his arms.

"Hey losers." David took the seat next to Caitlyn and everyone greeted him. "Here you go." David handed Caitlyn his applesauce like he did everyday.

"Party tonight, who's down?" Ilya exclaimed alittle too loudly as he took his seat next to Alex. He drew attention from half the cafeteria and earned a slap from Victoria.

"I'm totally down." Caitlyn smiled and he nodded, reaching out for a fist bump.

"The only one who knows how to party." Ilya said towards Caitlyn making her laugh.

"I heard party." Dom sat down with his tray of food in hand. He sat on the other side of Caitlyn. Across from them were Alex, Ilya and Victoria.

"You heard correct. Im guessing you're down?" Caitlyn asked and he nodded.

"Let's invite some hot chicks." Ilya winks and Alex nods.

"We need more girls in this friend group." Victoria exclaimed towards Caitlyn once the guys started talking about girls.

"Yes we do." Alex smirked with a wink making Caitlyn fake gag.

"My parents are of course out of town so I'm open to do it at my house." Caitlyn suggested and everyone nodded. It was always at her house but she didn't mind at all.

"Who do we invite?" Victoria asked and Ilya suddenly jumped up like he had an idea.

"Well since Caitlyn is popular let's just have her mention a party to a few people and I guarantee everyone comes." Ilya said and everyone agreed.

"Leeching of my popularity are we? Is that the only reason y'all are friends with me?" Caitlyn laughed and Dom nodded.

"Of course, why else would we be your friend?" Dom smirked and Caitlyn hit him.

"Hey not me!" David spoke up and Caitlyn smiled at him.

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