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"Can you check my emails? Only respond to stared email accounts. Just make them sound smart with that general gist of the notes I wrote for you." Scotty said to Caitlyn. Caitlyn nodded and went to his laptop.

It was her eighth day of working for him and she loved it. She felt more like a friend then an assistant. Occasionally she did tasks but most of the time she was just hanging out with them.

Caitlyn and Kristen grew extremely close because they see each other almost 24/7. She was finally happy with what she was doing. After she responded to the seven emails she ended up browsing youtube.

She also has been binging Scotty's videos to get a feel for the group. Caitlyn ended up on Davids vlogs and she hates that she loves them. She went through so many and laughed at each.

"Whatcha doing?" Kristen asked behind Caitlyn, making her jump.

"Watching what you guys do. Y'all are funny." Caitlyn said and Kristen smiled.

"The whole groups lives revolve around this. If we weren't funny it would be alarming." Kristen responded and sat down on the couch. Caitlyn closed the laptop and sat next to her.

"David you're insane!" Jason yelled at his friend. David smirked and brushed it off.

"I'm not at all." David smiled as he kept his eyes on the door.

"Her best friend dude. That's a low blow." Jason scoffed as he left the room. David rolled his eyes and walked closer to the door. There was a knock and he opened it.

"Hey Victoria!" David smiled and she waved. He gestured her to come in and she did. She sat down on the couch and he sat next to her.

"Why am I here?" Victoria asked through a smile.

"We're friends!" David exclaimed.

"Yeah but you called me and wanted me here so suddenly. Something wrong?"

"No, um actually I want to talk to you." David sighed. He couldn't do it. He couldn't go through with his plan, so he had to do another.

"Of course. What's up?" Victoria asked and David smiled, ready to explain his plan.

"Corinna you are beautiful." Caitlyn hugged her crying friend. Corinna slowly calmed down and wiped her tears.

"Why am I so upset?" Corinna sobbed and Caitlyn rubbed her back.

"Because you're human. Negative comments hurt. Baby you don't deserve all that." Caitlyn held her tightly and Corinna sighed.

"I love you, you know that?" Corinna hummed in between sniffles and Caitlyn smiled.

"You deserve all the happiness in the world. Don't let the rude ass people get to you, you're everything they wish they were." Caitlyn smirked and Corinna slightly giggled.

"I'm sorry for disrupting your day." Corinna sighed after the laughing died down.

"You didn't at all. But why me? I mean I'm honored and I love you but we just met and you've known the other girls much longer. Why'd you call only me?" Caitlyn questioned in the nicest tone she could.

"I don't know. I was just so upset and your name came to my mind first so I called you. I didn't mean to ruin your day."

"You didn't ruin it at all. I'll always be here for you." Caitlyn comforted her friend. It's crazy she so close to someone she met like a week ago, but these girls made it so easy to love them.

"Thank you. I love you Cait." Corinna hugged her and Caitlyn hugged back.

"I love you too Rinna." They pulled away and Caitlyn stood up. "I have to go back to Scotty's because I kind of left without an explanation. If you need anything don't hesitate to text me." Caitlyn called as she head towards the door.

"Bye Cait. I'll text you." Corinna said before Caitlyn left. She head back to work and saw a worried Kristen pacing the living room.

"Boo!" Caitlyn yelled and Kristen jumped. Kristen jumped over the couch to strangle Caitlyn while Caitlyn was in fits of laughter.

"You left saying it was an emergency and looked upset. You left your phone here and i was worried. And you have the decency to come in here and just scare me. Rot." Kristen said and Caitlyn just laughed more.

"I love you." Caitlyn smiled innocently and Kristen flipped her off with a smile.

"Who's Victoria?" Kristen asked after they both flopped onto the couch.

"In what context?"

"As in a girl you went to school with?" Kristen said confused.

"She's my best friend." Caitlyn smiles and then looked at Kristen. "Why?"

"Jason texted me saying she was hanging with David." Kristen said looking at her phone. "Shit he just texted me telling me not to tell you. Well." Kristen panicked.

"I won't say anything." Caitlyn smiled and Kristen calmed down. "What's she doing there? I mean she did tell me she was friends with him so I guess I'm not shocked." Caitlyn shrugged.

"I have no clue." Kristen nervously smiled. She couldn't tell if Caitlyn didn't care or she was mad.

"Okay let's resume Friends." Caitlyn hit play on the tv and Kristen nodded. Kristen was worried Caitlyn was gonna start yelling soon and be annoyed. She didn't know that Caitlyn really didn't care. At all.

"How could someone hate Rachel?" Kristen exclaimed towards Caitlyn and Caitlyn just laughed.

"I don't hate her, she just kind of bothers me. She's overrated and yeah. I still like her she just bothers me." Caitlyn said and Kristen shook her head in disappointment.

"She's my favorite." Kristen claimed.

"She's a lot of people's favorites and there's nothing wrong with that. My favorite is Chandler, and then Monica." Caitlyn said.

After their discussion they continued watching the show. Occasionally laughing and talking about what happened. Then Caitlyn brought up something that had been on her mind for days.

"What's Alex Ernst's deal?" Caitlyn asked and Kristen stared at her. "Like is he single?" Caitlyn continued her question figuring Kristen didn't know what she meant.

"No I know what you meant, but where is this coming from?"

"Ever since the party. So you didn't answer my question, is he single?"

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