Twenty Seven

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"Hi." Caitlyn exhaled as she entered David's house. He didn't respond but just shut the door behind her.

"Talk." He stated after they both sat.

"David, I love you. I cant imagine my life without you, but,"

"But." He sighed next to her. He knew exactly what was coming next.

"You never have time for me and I miss you. I just want to work something out where atleast once a week we can have a day together, I mean you're my boyfriend for crying out loud and I never see you unless I'm working." Caitlyn said biting her lip to ease her nerves.

Relief washed upon David, she wasn't breaking up with him, all was well. Well except not having time for her, but he can fix that, can't he? "Of course Cait, I'd do anything for you. I'll do my best to get free time to spend with you." David smiled and grabbed her hand.

"So when can we have a day?" Caitlyn smiled.

"Not this week. But I promise next week I can get a day, just you and me Cait. You and me alone and happy." David said everything Caitlyn wanted to hear. Too bad he couldn't keep that promise.

One week later...

"David everyday you tell me you'll find a day this week. You're running out of days." Caitlyn huffed over the phone.

"I'm sorry I can't spend every live long day with you Caitlyn. I'm sorry I can't give you enough attention and spoil you forever. I'm sorry I have a life outside of this relationship." David yelled as he viciously plugged his camera into his laptop and banged the keys.

"Yes that's it, you need to spend every day with me. David do you know how crazy you sound? I just want one fucking day with the man I love. I've already accepted I'm second in your life behind your camera." Caitlyn spoke bitterly back.

"So what? Just throw my fucking camera away? Just fuck it and toss it into an ocean right?" David put his phone on speaker as he placed it to his left. The more he yelled the more he beat up his laptop.

"Mhm yup that's exactly what I asked. You're acting insane. Call me when you know how to act twenty, not twelve David." With that Caitlyn hung up and tears threatened to spill. This fighting was constant, it never used to be. All they did was argue, yell, cry, repeat.

"Maybe a break is for the best." Caitlyn mumbled and threw on her coat. She twirled her keys around her fingers anxiously as she got into her car and drove to his house.

"What?" David bitterly asked when he saw her at the door.

"Please just not right now." She mumbled quietly and he inhaled slowly. "David, we aren't working anymore." Caitlyn sighed as he stared at her with wide eyes.

"Caitlyn what do you even mean? Couples fight, it happens, but we love each other enough to hold on, don't we?" David stared at her.

"No, they don't fight like this. I cant remember the last time I smiled around you David. It's all fighting and tears, I can't keep doing it to myself." Caitlyn exclaimed with tears in her eyes. This is much harder then expected.

"Cait, please no." He grabbed her hand and she pulled it away.

"Please dont make this harder then it has to be." She inched away.

"So that's it? We're breaking up? After everything this is the end?" Davids mouth hung open.

"It's not a breakup, it's a break." Caitlyn sighed.

"Same fucking thing. Both mean I'm not dating you anymore." David threw his camera on the couch. Everything paused as she watched the camera hit the couch.

"That's what you wanted right? Me to give it up for you? Well here you got what you wanted." David yelled pointing at the camera. Her mouth was agape as she stared blankly ahead of her.

"I never wanted you to give up anything, I just wanted you." Caitlyn exclaimed quietly. His eyes fell on hers as she stared at the floor. One tear came from her eye before she quickly swiped it away.

"You can't end it like this. I know you still love me Caitlyn, I still love you." David spoke much gentler.

"Maybe it's time to put those feelings aside." She retaliated.

"Caitlyn, I've never been in love. I've never been in a relationship as long as ours. I've never wanted to marry a girl until the day I laid eyes on you. Why throw it all away? I'll take a break Cait. I'll tweet out saying I can't post a vlog this week. We can have a whole week vacation. Please." David softly pleaded.

"But this one week wont change the long term problem. Once we're back you'll be back to having no time for me. I don't blame you David, you're right. You have a job, you're life doesn't revolve around me and I'm being selfish. I shouldn't expect you to be free all the time. I'm sorry for yelling earlier about it, you were right." Caitlyn finished with a sigh.

"Wow I've never been right before and I don't like it. Caitlyn I won't let it go back to this. Please give this a month. We'll spend a week together and then take it from there. After a month if you still feel this way, we can end it." David suggested. Caitlyn loved him, she really did, that's why saying no to this was so hard. She just couldn't say no to this.

"Fine." She caved making him smile and hug her.

"I'll tweet right now." David smiled widely as he typed away.

And with the help of Caitlyn, they composed a tweet, securing their week together

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And with the help of Caitlyn, they composed a tweet, securing their week together.

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