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Caitlyn's eyes widened at who she just looked at. Without asking David took the seat in front of her and started talking.

"Caitlyn! Fancy seeing you here." David smiled at the girl sitting in front of him.

"No it's some odd coincidence." Caitlyn remarked and facepalmed. "Why are you here David? Conveniently at the same time I am." Caitlyn crossed her arms, eager to hear his reasoning.

"What? I love this place!" David exclaimed and smiled looking around the tiny restaurant.

Caitlyn rolled her eyes at this phony act he put on. "Cut the crap David." Caitlyn started. "What do you want? Do you want me to yell at you? Do you want to piss me off? Want me to fucking worship you?" Caitlyn was now furious, she was fuming with anger and there wasn't even a good reason why.

"Relax Cait." David spoke up, quite nervous as to how Caitlyn would react.

"It's Caitlyn." She corrected him and he nodded.

"Okay, Caitlyn. Just relax I just wanted to talk, I miss you." David sighed and slouched in his seat.

"Well that makes one of us because I don't feel the same." Caitlyn had crossed her arms and stared at David. He stared back.

"You know you don't have to be such a bitch Cait." He scoffed at the bitter girl.

"Then don't make me be one." She shot back.

"I'm fucking not." David was now almost as mad as Caitlyn. He just came to the restaurant to talk to his old best friend. But Caitlyn didn't understand that he really had changed, she especially didn't believe it now that he was yelling at her.

People never change. She kept repeating to herself as they yelled back and forth. Caitlyn didn't realize that he had no intention to come here and start yelling, she doesn't realize it's her fault. She believes that was his intention the whole time so she just beat him to it.

"You might be a huge star, you might have millions of fans. But I'll never be one of them. They don't know what I know. They didn't know you like I know you." Caitlyn softened her voice and sighed. "Like I knew you I should say." Caitlyn corrected herself.

"Well you know what? You don't have to be a fan of me because like you said, I have millions of people who are. I don't need your validation when I'm fucking huge on social media. I'm youtube royalty." David slammed his hands on the table and stood up, about to leave.

"You aren't a fucking king dobrik, don't expect me to bow down to you." Caitlyn yelled at him. "You're still the same piece of shit you were just with people supporting it. You aren't royalty David. You are far from a king."

"Don't flatter yourself. Your opinion doesn't hurt me because nobody cares what you think." David smirked and left the restaurant, ringing the bell on the door.

"Sorry this food has been ready for awhile I just wanted to see all that go down." Sabrina smiled and placed Caitlyn's food in front of her. Caitlyn was not in the mood, especially when Sabrina could have stepped in to help and she didn't.

"Thanks that's helpful." Caitlyn spoke very monotone and started poking her food with her fork. She had lost her appetite after all the yelling. Little did she know David wasn't doing so well either.

David sat in his Tesla and just banged his head on the steering wheel. How could he let it get that far? He came to talk to her and ended up yelling at her. He blamed himself, even though he shouldn't have.

David drove home and just slouched into his couch. He was supposed to go see Toddy but he couldn't bring himself to be around people. David was not in the mood to vlog and make jokes, not after what just happened.

Hours after that outburst Caitlyn had, she received a call. A call stating she received the job as assistant and she started tomorrow. Scotty said he would explain how it all worked tomorrow and Caitlyn couldn't have been more thrilled.

This job actually excited her. For once she'd be doing something she actually enjoys. Scotty seemed like a really nice person and fun to work with. Caitlyn went to sleep excited for the next morning. David went to sleep wishing to not wake up the next morning.


Caitlyn woke up and got ready to go get breakfast. Scotty never gave her a time so she just texted him saying she'd be there after breakfast. He said that was totally fine.

She got her usual order and sat in the same corner, this time with no David to interrupt. It was peaceful and she was so excited to start her job.

After eating quickly she drove to the address and knocked lightly on the door. A sad looking Scotty opened the door and forced a smile as Caitlyn entered.

"You alright? Did I already do something?" Caitlyn worried by the look on his face. He quickly shook her doubt off.

"No I'm sad around everyone don't take it personal." He laughed and sat across from Caitlyn. Caitlyn awkwardly laughed along. She genuinely felt bad and felt he was suffering but didn't want to pry on her first day.

"So what does this job entitle?" Caitlyn spoke up after a moment of silence.

"Basically helping me around the house, helping with videos and you did say you can edit so occasionally editing my videos." Scotty stated and Caitlyn nodded. All of this sounded like stuff she was capable of and it was almost too good to be true.

David felt bad for blowing Toddy off so he head over to the house to see him. David changed into his uniform of all black and got ready the slowest he's ever done before. He had his vlog camera in one hand and his Tesla car key in the other.

He drove on over and entered without knocking. He saw Scotty cuddling Kristen in the living room and someone on the other chair laughing. Someone he knew alittle too well.

"I'm definitely really weird and I apologize." Caitlyn laughed at herself for being an awkward third wheel. Kristen and Scotty were getting to know her and they all were getting along.

"You are not the weirdest one here, have you met me?" Kristen responded to Caitlyn making her alittle bit more comfortable. Caitlyn wasn't as outgoing as she had previously told Scotty but she'll get there.

"Kristen don't shit talk yourself. That's my brand." Scotty nudged Kristen playfully making all three of them laugh.

The door then opened and Caitlyn didn't look up as she was too busy laughing. Caitlyn soon looked up at the door and saw the last person she'd ever expect to walk through that door.

"Hey David! Meet my new assistant. Caitlyn this is David, David this is Caitlyn." Scotty smiled and looked between the two.

youtube royalty [david dobrik]Where stories live. Discover now