background story

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Your name is (Y/N) your semblance is that you can manipulate water to do what you want it to do. Your weapons are twin blades given to you by your twin sister before she disappeared. You and your twin sister are adopted your parents said they new who you and your sisters real parents were but said it was best if you didnt know. Pyrrha nikos is your distant cousin but you havent seen each over for a long time.

(Y/N) meanes your name
(S/N) meanes your sisters name if you dont have a sister just pick a random girls name
(T/N) meanes team name
(F/F) meanes favorite food
(E/C) meanes eye coulor
(H/C) meanes hair coulor
(F/F) meanes favorite food
(F/C) meanes favorite coulor
(SF/C) meanes second favorite coulor

[1] blades (Velvet Scarletina X mutant male reader)Where stories live. Discover now