progect X (part 1)

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when you woke up you were back in a chambr with psyhco outside "you have coused me a lot of pobablems bikaku" he said through a speaker
"my name is NOT BIKAKU IT IS (Y/N) DEAL WITH IT" you yelled furiously psyhco just shruged. he pressed a button and a robotic arm with a needel came from the roof you tryed to stop it with your tail to find you couldent it injected you with a green liquid
"you didnt seriously think we would let you use your kagune we have figured out how to stop it" he said. "I must go now I have a rinkaku to catch" he said before leaving you recal psyhco refuring to Neko once as rinkaku. a girl came up
"now we are going to do a few phisical exams ok" she said how nice she sounded shocked you as she said this she pressed a button and the shakles came off "can you walk ok" she asked
"yes" you said you cooperated with this lady for a few of thease physical exams.
"thank you for you cooperation now please stand still while we reshakle you" she said as a door opened to let some people in this was your chance you ran through the door and ran out of the lab afer a bit of running you smashed into nothingness and fell over
"sorry" a voice said as Black appeared. she held out her hand to help you up "it is all clear" she yelled team rwby and Velvet came from around a corner.
"how long have we been in this place for" you asked
"three hours" Weiss said
"I am glad to see you" Velvet said as she came and kissed you
"wait three hours I only remember one" you said. "is there any updates on the others" you asked they all shook there heads "wait where is Neko" you asked they all pointed to a hole in the wall.
"Bikaku I have some one you should meet release progect X" Psyhco said through a speaker
"that dosent sound good" you said "we shold get moveing we need to find where the others are before this progect X finds us or them" you said
"but he said he had captured the others" Ruby said
"he was most likely bluffing I did not see them in the labs" you said. the seven of you ran though doors until you saw Neko with his tenderals out he was all cut and broused like someone has been beating him up for the past few hours his eyes where black an red on the other side of the room was a young girl she had blond hair in two curly ony tails and deep blue eyes this sight made you really confused. then a tail like yours appeared behind her exept hers was dark red and didnt split followed by six tenderals like Neko's exept longer then something silver came out her back and wraped around her left arm crating a sort of armor that ended with a blade then something that looked kind of like wings came out her shoulder the wings where red and orange.
"is that progect X" Yang asked
"I think so" you said as you formed your tail the girl looked at you one of her eyes turned all black with speaks of white while the other went red and black a psycotic grin grew across her face.
"wona play" she asked in the most creepy voice she started to walk towards you all the door ways where ingolfed by Red flames everyone got ready to fight
"Bikaku Rinkaku meet X the ultimate ghoul" Psyhco's voice said
"what on Remnant did you do to this little girl" you yelled as you doged a stab from her arm blade. Neko tryed jabing her from behind only to be sent flying across the room by her tail.
"X please do not kill them we still need them for phaze two" Psyhco said she sent a wave of crystals from the wings flying toward you you created a water wall to block it. Yang tryed shooting her but it did nothing you covered her in water and froze it almost instantly the ice shatered and she raped jabed you with her tenderals. you wacked the tenderals with your tail only for them to grow back and continue jabing no one could do anything to her Velvet took a picture of the girl then created a light copy of her blade arm everyone was shocked to see Velvet with it.
"Velvet you two" Blake yelled
"it is just a light copy" she yelled back as she tryed to jab at the girl only to be met by her arm. you tryed at her tail only to have another crystal wave sent at your aura took most of it. your eyes changed coulor to black and red you did a low spin with your tail knoking tht girl over. Then ysed your sword and severd her weapn arm it healed over quickly but she was without that arm this infuriated her.

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