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"hi I am Cinder" the girl said holding out her hand you shook her hand only to be pulled to the floor she put one hand on your neck and the other ready to punch.
"I should have seen that comeing" you said befor geting punched you managed to shake her off and grab your weapon just as Cardin carged at you you moved out the way and tripped him. you then yoused your sembalence to cover his weapon with water and make it stick to the roof Velvet was now fighting Cinder after a bit of battling with Cardin he pinned you to the ground
"you do not know how long I have been wanting to do this for" he said getting ready to punch you when you noticed he pinned you underneath the mace
"good night" you said with a smirk he got really confused you made the mace fall it hit him in the back of the head knoking him unconscious "you do not know how long I have wanted to do that for" you said to the unconscious body as you went to help Velvet fight Cinder. she was really quite strong eventuly you landed a powerfull enouth hit knoking her over miss goodwitch ended the fight. you held your hand out to help Cinder up wich she reluctently took "I hope this dose not mean we are enemys now one is enough for me" you said refring to Cardin she didnt say anything but instead left. you sat down you could almost fell Cinders eyes glaring into the back of your head.
"can (Y/N) (L/N) please come to my ofice" profesor ozpins voice said through the loud speaker you got up and left when you got to his ofice he was sipping on coffe like usual "please take a seat" he said you sat down "now (Y/N) I am sorry to inform you but your parents have died" he said when he said this you started feeling really sick
"h-how did this happen" you managed to ask
"they were merded the police are working on finding the killer but they covered there tracks well" he said "we are truely sorry (Y/N)"he said you just ran out the room found a quiet spot along the cliffs to sit and cry on multiple occasions your scroll went off you ignored it the intire time untill Yang found you
"there you are what is wrong" she asked. she typed something into her scroll "you can tell me" she said as she sat next to you
"my parents are gone" you said she hugged you
"sorry I didnt know" Yang said
"thanks Yang your my best friend" you said to her
"what about Velvet" she asked
"she is my girl friend and a great one at that" you said
"thanks" a voice said you turned to see Velvet who sat down next to you.
"how much did you hear" you asked
"enough" she said kissing you
"I got your message Yang I am here" Phyrra yelled as she came around the corner puffed "what is wrong" she asked
"Pyrrha you are the last family member that I know is alive now" you said
"I am sorry to here that" she said as she sat next to Yang you felt a bit better haveing your best friend your girl friend and you couisin there to comfort you.
"thank you I will make this up to you" you said
"you dont have to do anything for us" Yang said
"you three have been nothing but cind to me since day one it is my turn to return the favour" you said "how about I pay for a nice dinner just us four" you sugested
"if you insist" Velvet said getting up.

Time skip to dinner

At dinner you sat next to Velvet while Yang and Pyhrra sat on the other side of the table there was a awkward slience due to the fact that they didnt what you to pay for a fancy dinner. you managed to keep your sadness in while in public
"can I take your order" a man said as he came to the table with a note pad
"yes I will have the (F/F) please" you said
"I will have some paster please" Velvet said
"I will have a snitsel" Phyrra said
I will have a snitsel too" Yang said after a while panic erupted from the streets out side the four of you went out side to cheak it out.
"can someone please direct me to the person to blame for this so I can kill them for interupting dinner" you yelled just as you said that a masive serpent twice the size of the serpent from vale smashed thru a building like it was made of toothpicks. it spat a purple substance at some people turnig them to stone you made make shift water blades because you left your weapon at home Yang had her shot gounlets under her sleaves Velvet created a light copy of Weiss's sword and Phyrra grabed a meatle pole that got lunched whith some debri of the building.

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