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You ran at it all out attack bad idea it waked you with its tail sending you flying into a nearby bar
"who are you supose to be" a man with spiky black hair that was graying and dull red eyes asked clearly drunk you ran out and back towards the battle when you got back to the battle it was not going well you attacked it again landing a hit to its body that did nothing it wacked Velvet into a building you went to cheak on her only to find her unconscious. when you saw this a sudden rage filled your body you closed your eyes when you opened them your proper blades were laying on the ground infront of you when you picked them up a purple line appeared on them and a blinding white light came from your eyes the serpent stoped in its tacks.
"are you the one" a voice came into your head "my master has sent me to find and kill a boy with extreame power since the last basilisk was killed by the boy are you that boy" the voice asked "not going to answer very well then have it your way" the voice said again as the surpent charged at you. you slashed your sword cutting through its scales makeig it hiss in pain "you are the one" the voice said as it tried to spit venom at you wich you blocked with a wall of water Phyrra looked at you in shock that was when it hit you that you haddent done this in front of Pyrrha befor Yang was still shocked but not as much because of that other giant serpent or that was aparently a basilisk that you slayed yousing this power. you jumped and slashed at it again it doged that attack you through one of yor swords at it the blade whent straight through the serpent makeing it hiss the sword got cought by a water hand that thru it back towards you.
"why dose this master of yours want me dead" you asked as you slashed it again
"you are a threat" the voice said you rapid slashed it until it fell to the ground
"who is this master" you asked pointing your sword at its head
"SALEM!!!" The voice yelled before the surpent died the body melted into a purple liquid and sank into the ground the purple on your sword and the light from your eyes disappeared.
"what was that" Phyrra asked scared you walked towards her and she stepped back and pointed the pole at you "start explaining now" Phyrra yelled demandingly after a bit of explaining Phyrra droped the pole and just stared at you "dose your girlfriend know" Phyrra yelled
"yes Velvet knows so this isnt the first time this has happened just ask anyone in Yang's Velvet's team or even my team" you said "now are we good" you asked
"ok" Phyrra said.
"what happened" Velvet asked getting up
"we killed it" you said going to Velvet befor she fell over "we need to get you back to beacon" you said. once you got to becon you took Velvet to her dorm Coco glared at you "please Coco stop glaring at me" you said she just turned her weelchair around and got in her bed you layed Velvet In hers
"please dont leave" Velvet said
"fine I will sit here to you fall asleep ok" you said grabbing a chair and sitting next to her bed
"no sleep here" she said patting her bed
"if I here any funny buisnes comeing from over there I will vomit" Coco yelled
"be quiet Coco" Yatsu yelled you layed in the bed and fell asleep next to her when you woke up you were the only one up. you felt like takeing a walk so you did when you walked past team rwby's dorm the blond cat fanus came out
"by Neko" Blake said from the door way
"bye" he said "hello I do not belive I have proply intredused myself I am Neko" he said holding his hand out to you
"I am (Y/N)" you said shakeing his hand the two of you walked around togeather talking about random stuff after a bit you bumped into Cinder "hi Cinder how have you been" you asked she ignored you and walked away "she must not what to be friends then" you thought to your self. when you got outside everything suddenly went dark you blacked out when you woke up you were chained to a wall there was cords comeing out of the shakles that held you inplace and there was a glass wall all around you you looked to your left to see Neko also chained with the cords he couldent here you and you couldent here him but you could read lips like a pro in your talk with Neko he said he could read lips to so that was how you talked to each over.
"you are awake I see" a man said as he walked into your sell
"who are you and what do you want" you asked
"that dose not matter now what dose matter is who you are and the answer is my new experement" he said with a evil grin.

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