crash (Blake Alan Scar Yatsuhashi)

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Blake point of veiw

"Is everyone ok" Alan asked you quickly cheaked your bow your ears wernt showing
"I am ok" you said
"I am good" Scar said
"I am ok I guess" Yatsuhashi said we all grabbed are stuff and left.
"looks like it is just us four" Alan said you wondered around untill you ran into a group of ursa's
"greate a battle" Scar said as he swung his battle axe at one cutting one of its limbs whils Alan shot beames of energy at them you slashed at them with the cleaver part of your weapon while Yatsu slashed at them with his blade

A/N I am goig to call Yatsuhashi Yatsu because it is shorter

in no time all the ursa's were gone "everyone ok" you asked before anyone could answer at least fifty biowolfs and ursas came out more and more cept comeing
"there is too many" Yatsu yelled
"I got a idea" Scar said after saying that all grimm jist stoped "this is are chance run" Scar yelled
"what happened out there" you asked when you were far enough from the grimm
"I uesed my sembalence to tick them so they saw a wall around them even though there wasnt" Scar said
"thats cool" you said. as you walked on through the forest after a while you came to a spot were some bits of the plane crashed no one was there but there was foot prints.
"someone was here" Yatsu said we followed the foot prints until you found more werkage there was a spot where there was blood
"who ever crashed here was hurt" you said there was two sets of foot prits going one way and a single set of foot prints going the other direction you desided to follow the single set it led you to more wrekage and a heap of branches laying on the ground it didnt look like the debri from the air ship hit it the branches looked more like someone cut them there was a set of prints going north and a nother going south east
"I say we go south east" Alan said
"I also think south east" Scar said
"I think north" Yatsu said "what about you Blake" he asked
"I guess we go south east then" you said. as you walked south east not much happened exept it raining washing away the foot prints
"now what" Alan asked
"It is getting really dark maby we should rest here" you sugested.
"someone needs to guard" Yatsu said
"dibs not it" Alan yelled
"dibs not it" Scar yelled
"dibs not it" Yatsu also yelled
"real imature guys" you said durin the night your fanus ears herd something you went to have a look to see a blonde male cat fanus you were not sure what to do exept follow him for a bit untill he stoped
"how long are you going to follow me for" he said turning around
"until I figure out who you are" you said readying your weapon
"the name is Neko" he said as he held out his hand
I am Blake" you said shaking his hand
"you look like you are iching for a fight how about we go at it then" he said tountingly you didnt say anything just pulled him onto the ground and held your blade to his neck he rolled along the ground and slashed you with his spiked gloves "you are strong" he said getting up
"thank you" you said slashing at him again this time he doged and did a spin attack with both claws that you just doged the battle went on like this for a while he would give you a complment every time you hit him
"ok beautiful I gotta go how about next time we meet we go on a date" he said
"o-ok" you said turning into a blushing mess
"great" he said before running off
"that was fun" you said to yourself as you went back to the spot were the others were resting. you climbed a nearby tree and sat there for a while nothing really happened you were getting bored
"need a break" Scar asked getting up
"yes please" you said getting down and going to sleep you had really weard dreams Neko cept apearing in your dreams when you woke up you tried to take your mind of him so you went for a walk. Scar had fallen asleep after a bit of walking you found a clearing (Y/N) Ruby and Weiss were talking while Black Coco and Fox sat on the ground in the clearing was a roughly bilt shelter Velvet had just came out and was walking towards the others you wasted no time running back waking the others and takeing them to the clearing "hey guys" you yelled going up to the group.

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