endings for now

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Time skip back to becon

"so how did your mission go" Ozpin asked
"we failed" Scar said
"I see you are all dismissed" he said. the thought of progect X cept slipping into your mind
"what was that thing" you cept thinking
"everything ok you seem kind of jumpy" velvet said
"I am fine" you said
"are you sure" she asked
"trust me I am fine" you said
"well we dont have any classes today so how about you come to my dorm" she said
"ok" you said she grabbed your hand and pulled you away to her dorm where you sat and talked.


"we captured the boy again but he escaped again" Psyhco said
"what" Salem said.
"we sent progect X to retrieve him but X was beaten he didnt even have to use the power" Psyhco said
"so he is getting stronger" Salem said
"indead X is healing and should be ready for battle again soon" Psyhco said
"ok I have a person inside Becon they can keep tabs on the boy for you" Salem said
"who is this person" Psyhco asked
"Cinder Fall" Salem said.
"yes master" Psyhco said
"one more thing do not fail me again and maby you should give X more Rc cells it should give her the edge in battle" Salem said
"yes master" Pshco said.

Back at becon

"Velvet" you said
"yes" Velvet said
"I might ask you something important soon so be ready ok" you said
"what will it be" she asked
"I cant tell you that" you said
"ok" she said "well we should get going before someone gets suspicious" Velvet said getting up
"let them get suspicious" you said pulling her into your lap
"(Y/N) please we should go" she said
"but I love you to much" you said as you started kissing her.
"fine I will stay" she said as she typed something on her scroll
"what are you typing" you asked
"just telling the others we cant hang out with them" Velvet said as she put her scroll down. you started trailing kissed down her neck while you stroked her bunny ears cousing her to moan in pleasure "(Y/N) please stop" she asked
"but you like it dont you" you said
"well yes" she said
"then I wont stop" you said
"(Y/N)" she moaned makeing you grin mischievously
"please stop" she aked again
"why you like it and I like to see you enjoying yourself" you said
"(Y/N)" she said serously
"fine" you said as you put your hands on the bed.
"do you want to go to the lake for a swim" she asked
"ok" you said
"ok then lets grab are stuff and go" Velvet said as she grabbed a towel and some swim clothes you went back to your room and grabed your stuff when you left a certain cat fanus on rolla skates crashed into you.
"sorry" katt said
it is fine no harm done" you said getting up
"wana be friends then" she asked
"why not" you said as you went to Velvets dorm.
"are you ready to go" she asked
"yes I am" you said when you got to the lake it was calm no one else was there and it was a beautiful day
"I will go voer there to change dont look" Velvet said as she grabbed her swim clothes and went into the bushes you also went into some bushes to change into your (F/C) swim shorts. when you came out you dived straight into the water the two of you swam for a while until it started getting dark
"we should get back before we get attacked by grimm" you said
"I guess so" Velvet said. when you got back you spent the night with Velvet you saw your sister in your dreams
"so you have the Bikaku kagune" she asked
"what is a kagune if you are talking about my tail then yes" you said
"yes I am talking about that there is four types of kagune's koukaku ukaku rinkaku and bikaku you are bikaku your friend Neko is rinkaku progect X is all four" she said "remember this" she said
"ok I will" you said
"good" she said. you woke up it was still late Coco was sitting by the window you sat next to her
"what is up" you aske
"nothing just cant sleep" she said
"ok" you said
"sorry aout how I have ben acting towards you" she said
"its ok no psyical harm done over then a sore toe from when you ran it over" you said as you layed back in bed with Velvet.
"I love you (Y/N)" she cept mermering in her sleep wich made you smile after a bit you fell back to sleep. when you woke up Velvet was not there you got up and looked around Becon for her until you found her by the cliffs
"everything ok" you asked her
"yes I am all good just thinking" she said
"well can I ask you that something important that I told you about yesturday" you asked
"yes ask away" she said.
"I am sorry if this is to soon but will you marry me" you asked as you pulled a ring out of your pocket and got down on one knee she looked at you shocked at your question
"y-yes yes yes of course I will" she yelled you put the ring on her finger and pulled her in for a long lasting kiss.

(A/N) sorry if that ending is a bit cheesy.

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