progect X (part 2)

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she stabed you with one of her tenderals then the matalic substance rapped around her remaining arm crating the armor and blade. "I figured it out we need to sever the parts from her body" you yelled
she then started shooting fire at you while blocking attacks from the others with the wings and tenderals
"that dose not sound very plesant" Black yelled.
"her sembalence must be fire" you thought to yourself you cept avoiding being burnt to a crisp while the stab wound healed you tryed to block a attack with water but nothing happened and you got launched into the wall by a fire ball you cheaked your aura it was gone "guys my aura is gone" you yelled
"mine two" Neko yelled
"are auras are fine for now" Ruby yelled
"this thing is targeting you two that is why" Black yelled
"of course it was sent to capture me and Neko" you yelled.
"nothing we do is working maby we should change tactic" Weiss sugested eveyone nodded at the idea and started useing there sebalence you found out Rubys sembalence was speed and not cookies. after a bit X fell to the ground and got covered in flames
"what is happening" Yang asked as she steped backwards.
"you are all DEAD NOW" the girl screamed as she started growing biger evntualy she grew into a giant monster she had a long scaled arm that ended with three clawed fingers the other arm was not there the arm had the matalic substance still wraped around it with the blade at the end. a large sail was going along its back with three extreamaly long tenderals on each side of it. the tail was the same as before but longer it stood on two muscular legs with three toes each ending with claws. it still had the wing's on its shoulders but larger it had a large snout about as long as you it screehed at you before charging at you with lightning speed you couldent dodge it and you got slamed into the wall it was about to bite you when a masive energy beam shot it in the side of the head pushing it over you turned around to see Alan.
"if you want to hurt my friends you go through me" he yelled it sent a wave of large crystals from its wings towards him wich he dodged. it slaped you with its tail before running to try and impale Alan wich he stoped by shooting his beames into its mouth stunning it. then the sound of bullets filled the room you turned to see Coco shooting with her minigun Velvet created a light copy of her mini gun and also started shooting. Neko tryed slashing and jabing at its leg you used your swords and started at the other leg Black also started slashing at it Yang and Ruby shot at it. weiss and Blake started at the legs two while Alan shot his beames after a bit it fell over and got covered in flames again and shrank back to the little girl. her eyes went back to normal and she retracted wings tail tenderals and arm blade.
"you win  she said with a frown a hatch opened in the roof and she jumped through it and the hatch closed all the fire disapeared.
"what was that" Coco asked
"progect X" you said as you retracted your tail Neko retracted his tenderals
"now lets find those people he cidnaped" Neko said
"I saw them before I was captured" you said Weiss went up and said something to Alan you wernt shure what but by how happy he seemed after you could probably guess.
"self destruct in T minus ten minutes" a robotic voice said
"lets get out of here" Black yelled
"what about the others" Velvet asked
"they are smart they will be heading for the exit to" you yelled
"we wont make it in time we do not know the way" Weiss siad.
"then we will make are own way" you yelled as you started smashing through walls everyone else ran behind you
"self destruct in T minus three minutes" the micanical voice said as you reached the exit everone else was there already a giant ship smashed out of the ground and flew away as the ground started to colapse  with flames leaving a masive sink hole.
"we failed the mission" Nora said disapointed
"the people we were soposed to save got blown up" Ren said
"I saw them before getting captured they were actualy fanus's not humans and they didnt get blown up I think they were there" you said pointing to the trail left by the ship
"and progect X" Velvet asked
"that probably will not be the last time we see it" you said.
"what was progect X" Jaune asked
"that is a story for some other time" you said
"ok" he said.
"so are you all ok with me and (Y/N) now" Neko asked
"yes we are all good" Pyrrha said holding out her hand that Neko shook then she held it to you wich you also shook.

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