crash (Ruby Yang (Y/N) Vevet)

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After a while the ship was shot down and crashed
"everyone ok" you yelled out you were stuck to the roof because your seat belt was stuck and the ship fliped over.
"We are ok" Ruby yelled back as she lifted a sheet of metal off of her
"speek for yourself" Yang said she had a gash on her head and was also hanging from the roof
"hey were is the over half of the ship" you asked pointing out that the other half was missing "I think it is just us three here" you said.
"I will cut you two down ok I just need to find my syth" Ruby said as she franticly looked around for it
"need this" a male's voice said as Ruby's syth was thrown into the ship before you could see who said that the figure ran off all you could see was Blond hair and cat ears
"thanks mister" ruby yelled out as she grabbed her syth and cut you down. you looked at your aura level to see that it was still pretty good Ruby and Yang looked at theres Ruby's was still good as well but Yang's was in the red
"I will get the first aid kit for Yang" you said as you looked around for it after a bit you grabbed it and bandaged up Yang's head the bandage covered one of her eyes. The three of you left the wrekage to be met by a group of biowolfs "looks like we are going to have to fight are way out" you said as you created a makesift sword out of water due to the absense of your weapon. You slashed your water blade at one it tried to doge but ended up getting cut in half. Ruby slashed at one cutting its head off then shot another in the face with the gun part of her syth Yang was punching and shooting them in the face at the same time after a while of fighting all the grimm were gone. You walked back to the ship to find your real swords when you found them the three of you left into the forest after a while of walking you came across more wrekage but you could not see anyone else
"(Y/N)!!!" A voice yelled you turnedd towards were the voice came from only to be greeted by Velvets lips. "I am glad to see you are ok" she said
"I am glad to see you are fine to" you said
"did you crash with anyone" Ruby asked
"no I was all alone" she said
"you arnt alone now" you said giving her a long lasting kiss Yang coughed to get your atention back
"I am sorry to interupt you two love birds but we still dont know were we are" Yang said
"right we should ceep moveing" you said. The four of you moved on through the forest after a while you came to a clearing
"it is getting dark we should set up camp" Ruby said pointig to the suns position in the sky
"your right lets build a shelter while we still have light" you said pulling a branch off a tree. After a while the four of you managed to build a shelter out of branches
"someone should stay up and guard" Yang said
"do not worry I will keep guard you three get some rest" Ruby said with a smile
"thanks we owe you one" you said as you layed on the ground in the shelter Yang fell asleep almost straight away it took longer for Vevet after a bit she fell asleep in your arms you couldent get any sleep you desided to cheak on Ruby she was siting outside with her weapon laying across her lap as she fought off sleep "you ok" you asked
"yes I am fine just tiered" she said
"how about you get a bit off sleep and we can take shifts you get sleep and I gaurd then I sleep and you gard" you sugested
"deal" Ruby said getting up and going into the shelter. After about three hours you saw something in a bush you went to cheak it out when you got to the spot nothing was there you went back to were you were and sat there for another two hours
"need a break" Ruby asked as she came out
"yes please" you said as you went back into the shelter to sleep when you woke up you were in the middle of a forest just like when you saw your sister somehow and just like then the light appeared then your sister
"tha érthoun" she said it must have been a different language after she said that she put her hand on your sholder then you woke up it was just a dream. You got up and went out too see that the sun was riseing Ruby was practising with her syth slashing at air
"mornig" you said
"good morning" she said back.

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